30 | Therapy Session

129 9 25

(⚠️Mention of rape, abuse, and abortion.⚠️)

Hurting Me, Hurting You ~ Camylio


I twiddle my thumbs as I glance around the waiting room. It reminded me of a doctor office. I guess it sort of was. Grayish walls, light stained wooden floorboards, minimal colors, and a faint sterile scent. A few dark blue and grey cushioned chairs were spread out around the little room. A few pamphlets were scattered across the wooden coffee table.

Suicidal thoughts? Call the Suicide hotline before taking action.

You don't have to suffer. Make an appointment today!

Everyone needs a therapist!

Grieving is natural! You don't need to do it alone anymore.

There were more, but I didn't want to mess up their order by thumbing through them, but my eyes did stop on one about abortion. I felt my insides restrict as suddenly a wave of some unknown emotion stole away all the air in the room. I couldn't stop myself from picking it up.

Miscarriage & Abortion is never easy.

I stared at the title until it became to much, but instead of putting it down I picked up another pamphlet. Then another. Another. Another...

I stared at them in my hands, held out like a deck of cards as their titles stared back at me. The suicide hotline, abortion grieving, domestic abuse, dealing with inner demons, overcoming sexual assault, and ect. All I could do was stare at them.

Dominic had his session yesterday. He didn't seem any different, maybe thoughtful and a little distant, but he seemed content with whatever him and Dr. Ackermans discussed.

Would I feel that way? Could I?

I took a deep breath as I scanned the diplomas on the wall and then the serene landscape paintings. My nerves were rattled and I couldn't settle the anxious bubble that swelled within my chest. My eyes kept flitting over to the office door with the name Ackermans engraved in gold into a black plaque. No matter how much I knew I needed this, my body was already shifted towards the exit slightly. I had all the intentions to bolt at a moments notice.

A few minutes later Dr. Ackermans opened his office door, his copper eyes fell on me as I sat up straight. A smile spread across his gentle face as he pushed his black wire framed glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"Rosie Costa, I presume?" He beckoned me with his hand. "Come in! I'm sorry for running a little late. I was on a video call with one of my clients and the time ran a bit over."

I waved him off with a nervous chuckle as I stood up awkwardly. "I didn't mind."

I bent to put the pamphlets back, but he stopped me. "Bring them."

My eyes shoot up and I freeze. "Bring them?"

He nods. "It might help."

My lips form a grim line as I nod and clutch them to my chest. He stepped aside as I brushed past him. I quickly scanned the room, hesitating by a small sofa until he closed the door and walked over to a leather cushioned chair across from the sofa. A table sat between his chair and the sofa, possibly to give clients a physical barrier. Smart.

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