59 | Therapeutic Murder

69 3 7

⚠️ Violence, gore, and blood.⚠️

Warriors ~ League of Legend, 2WEI & Edda Hayes





My heart hummed within my ears as I stared up at the large mansion overlooking the roundabout driveway. There was a time when I'd visit Rizzo Manor and believe it to be made from fairy-tales. Large windows stretched across the front of the building, allowing the bright lights from the chandeliers within to cast its light onto the darkness cloaking the enormous home.

I remember summers here. Taking a dip in the pool that overlooked the treeline while Luca rambled on the phone for hours. I remember coming here with my father for social functions and political parties. I remember the long halls, the large windows that displayed everything to the outside world. I remember the layout as if it were only yesterday.

Kōji stepped out of his sleek black car and joined my side. His grey eyes, the same as Hana's, met mine steadily. Behind him was an older man I'd never seen before. He was the same age as Kōji, but the years hadn't been as gracious to him. Lines creased his face and jowls framed his thin mouth. Eyes as dark as coal stared back at me as I eyed him warily.

"Taiki Gushiken." Kōji mumbled tightly with a stiff gesture in the man's direction. "Father of my daughters betrothed."

Taiki gave me a once over and made a grunt of disapproval in the back of his throat. I knew they'd both hand me over the moment they sense it risks Hana's life. And I couldn't blame them. These two strong men, from legacies even my father could never obtain, were a force to be reckoned with all on their own. They would move mountains and burn the world for those they loved. Everyone else be damned.

Dominic stepped between us, adding a threatening barrier as he oozed a deadly promise. If anyone hurt me. He'd kill them without hesitation. He seemed to forget men, fifty each from Aoki and Gushiken, were surrounding us and readying themselves to raid Rizzo Manor. At any moment an order could be given to remove us from the equation entirely.

We were a liability to the rescue of Hana. I could see it in their eyes. They were waiting for the moment for everything to go belly up, then we'd be sacrificed to save the one person they truly cared about. I already knew Kōji only called us on behalf of his daughter. Perhaps it was to make himself feel better.

With a gesture from Taiki, his men dispersed and surround Rizzo Manor. Kōji's men looked to him, and with a single nod, they too disappeared into the shadows.

"Rosie." Kōji began, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. "I am fond of you. But you have to know where my loyalty lies if something were to happen-"

"I understand." I cut him off and meet his steely gaze head on. "I only ask you kill the bastard if I can't."

He bowed his head respectfully. "It will be done."

Taiki took the first step, followed by Kōji, then myself, with Dominic protecting our rear as we headed straight for the front doors. They too were wide and made of glass. We could see everything, even the butler patiently waiting for us. Without hesitation the older man opened the double doors and bowed at the waist as we brushed past him.

We already knew it was a trap and we all readily triggered the snare to capture us. Music, faint and melodic, hummed gently to our right. We all followed it, our guns ready and blades sharpened. The further we walked through the house of glass, the louder the music came. Eventually we reached the living room, wide and spacious with windows stretching the entire span of the back wall.

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