62 | Deep Thoughts

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⚠️Blood, gore, aka mention of torture.⚠️

Intrusive Thoughts - Natalie Jane


The following morning I trailed behind Hana as we walked through the small seating area in the basement. I kept my eyes away from his door. It would only be tempting. From what I heard from Kōji himself, Dominic had to be sedated after his session with Ackermans.

He undid what he'd done. Except, Ackermans decided to retaliate. He made him remember everything. Every session with Armando and himself. Every session with Luca. Every kill. Every time he'd killed innocence under the orders of either Armando or Luca.

Dominic had a full blown panic attack and had to be sedated to keep him from hurting himself. He tore up his wrists and ankles trying to get free. I was advised to stay away from him for the time being. They fear seeing me would trigger him. Especially after shooting me.

Dominic was a risk to himself. They said he'd been screaming he wanted to kill Mío. He wanted to get rid of the evil inside of him. My heart broke as Kōji related everything to me.

If Ackermans thought he'd get a swift death out of anger. He had another thing coming. I couldn't trust myself to torture him. I'd end up getting pissed off and stabbing him in the throat. So my sweet Hana, ever needing the distraction, gladly took up the offer.

She would always be the Sadistic Queen. I've never witnessed her skills first hand, but I've heard stories. Whether I could stomach what she's about to do, I didn't know. But I won't stop her, I'll step out if it becomes too much.

Hana swung open the door, her hips swaying as she strode confidently towards the steel table holding the medical knives. I took my seat across the room as Ackermans jolted awake. Hana sifted through her choices, rattling the knives intentionally to get a rise out of him. The guard that was stationed inside excused himself and shut the door after himself.

Ackermans eyes first settled on me, fear in his eyes as he sucked in a sharp breath. But when his eyes flickered towards the sound of metal scraping metal, all the color from his face drained out of pure terror. Whether from the medical saw and the electric medical drill in her hands, or simply it being the woman grinning toothily behind her tools, he was physically trembling.

"Hana..." His chest heaved as she walked towards him, the heels of her knee high black boots clicking across the floor. "I'm sorry-"

Her grey eyes lacked empathy as she tilted her chin up. There was something about the way she circles him, her eyes gleaming like a predator admiring her prey, that made her somehow all the more attractive. She licked her pink lips as she stopped behind him.

"Where should we begin?" She mused. "Drill a few holes and insert maggots? You seemed to like that when you made Dominic do it to his own people."

He blubbered pathetically, a snot bubble popping beneath his nose as he pleaded. "Please, just kill me!"

Hana let out a laugh I'd never heard before. A cackle that raised the hairs on the back of my neck as she smiled. "Or," she resumed as if he hadn't said a word. "I can cut off your feet and hands, cauterize it, then make you run around on your little stumps. That should be pretty funny."

Sweat and tears poured down his face as he hyperventilated. His eyes snapped to me as he gasped through sobs. "Kill me, please. Kill me!"

I leaned back into my chair, avoiding his gaze as I watched Hana study her tools and then the back of his head.

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