47 | Breathless

84 5 25

⚠️ Mention of rape, a lot of violence, and traumatic events. ⚠️

Gilded Lily ~ Cults


His fingers thread through mine and he pulls my hand to his lips to leave a kiss on my knuckles. His black eyes look upon me with such love and affection, it's sickening. There was a point in time I ate up every crumb of affection he'd sprinkle out carelessly when he'd remember me.

In the past, such a loving gesture would have melted my heart. I would have admired the way his long black hair falls out of its low bun to frame his strong cheekbones. I would have stared into his dark eyes and swoon over how they softened when they fell upon me. I would have loved the feel of his touch brushing against my flesh.

I would have...

I swallow as I look up at my ex. His fingers brush my hair behind my ear and it takes everything in me not to flinch away from his touch. I used to think he was so handsome... beautiful, in fact. And now?

His dark eyes strike fear in my bones. His sharp features suddenly seem to sharp and angular. His narrow long nose is crooked. And his long hair... hair that I used to adore and stroke when we'd lie in bed together, I could just imagine myself reaching towards him and yanking it out of his skull.

My sacrifice may seem dumb. I gave myself up for a backstabbing bitch and the few men left alive on Kōjis' team.

But I couldn't say that was my real reason.

I knew how this had to end. If I didn't give myself over, not only would they have died, but this dance would have continued on until everyone I know and love would be dead. Who next? Kōji or Hana?


My stomach churns just at the thought alone as I force a small smile onto my lips. Luca seems satisfied with this and turns his attention to his men once more.

If I didn't give myself up, they would be a target. Destiny's life, in the grand scheme of things, means nothing to me. I realize that now as the helicopter hovers over the landing pad in the middle of nowhere. I'm not even sure we're in New York anymore. We've been flying for what feels like hours. The sun is already beginning to climb it's way out of the darkness.

If Destiny were to have died, I wouldn't have cared as much. Kōjis men? I'd feel guilty, but I wouldn't kill myself over it.

But when I invisioned Hana and Dominic running inside that warehouse to sacrifice themselves for me, I couldn't let that happen. Giving myself up meant breaking the inevitable cycle. It would be a never ending battle. He'd give his whereabouts. We'd show up armed. People would die in an attempt to get to Luca himself. Luca would escape.

And the cycle would begin again.

When would it end? When Hana dies? When Dominic is taken from me? I couldn't survive that. I couldn't survive losing either of them. It was better to give myself up and avoid losing them. Just knowing that they are alive and safe from him brought me an ounce of reassurance.

Luca doesn't wait for the helicopter to power down, as soon as it lands he's unfastening my harness and pulling me towards the door. I let him pull me around. I let him hop down first and then I leap into his awaiting arms.

A great actress never breaks character.

He puts me on my feet, his dark eyes glistening with happiness as he brushes his hands against my waist. I force a smile as he releases me and grabs my wrist to tow me away once more. Since he first grabbed me, I've lost all feeling. A numbness has crept it's way through my bones and anchored me here. I'm aware, but I feel nothing.

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