43 | Grudges

92 5 31

⚠️ Brief mention of possible triggers. ⚠️

Little Girl Gone ~ CHINCHILLA


My heels clicked as I followed the brute down the wide corrider of the lodge my father had rented. I recognized the man as someone I used to serve beside. His name escaped me, but the large scar clipping the left side of his mouth was enough to trigger a faint memory.

He was tall and heavy, his almost black eyes lifeless as he stopped in front of the door and gestured for me to go inside. As I cast him a side glance, it clicked. He'd joined my father around the time I left. Just like the rest he had a reason to join. His reasoning being the man that killed his wife in the streets. His mission was my last. I helped him avenge his wife.

I breezed past him and dropped the paper bag onto the table beside my father. The door clicked shut. My fathers eyes flitted briefly towards the bag before returning to the task at hand.

The tiny parts scatter the table in front of him as he polished the barrel of the gun.

"As authentic Chinese as I could find." I gesture to the bag and dropped down into a high backed chair towards the empty hearth. I cross one leg over the other and arch a brow as he hummed.

"And the file?"

I gesture to the bag once more. "Inside."

He released a long sigh out of annoyance as he pulls the bag to himself and pulls out the manilla folder. He lets it drop open and tilts his head in thought.

"And why couldn't your little friends be here for this?" His silver eyes scan the photos and pages inside before flitting towards me.

I told a little white lie.

"They had other things that needed tending to." It wasn't true. They needed time to themselves. I knew I could take care of all the little details. I glance to the folder in his tattooed hand. "We have three threats. Costa Mafia isn't the only one, apparently."

"I'm well aware." He hummed in thought. "Mr. Rizzo came to me a few weeks back requesting my alliance."

"And your response?"

His head tilted. God I hate when he does that. "Why would I fight against my own daughter?"

"Wouldn't be the first time." I mused aloud as I bounced my knee. "But be honest with me, why?"

His eyes lifted from the folder. "I might have disagreed with your choices in the beginning, but I will not aid a man that wants to kill off the empire my daughter decided to seek safety in."

I hum at him in return as I eyed the folder in his hand. "Rizzo and his fathers Mafia, the Russian Mafia, and now Costa Mafia. They all want either Dominic or Rosies head. Rizzo has been busy lately. First the hit on Rosie. Now recruiting Russians? He's planning something big."

He nods as he thumbed through the papers. "And from these call logs, he has an inside man in Ms. Costas Mafia."

"I noticed that too." I murmur as I drop my leg back to the ground and lean forward. "Trouble is, I don't know who it is yet."

"How much can you trust him?" He mused as he picked up a picture of the head of our PR team. Gabriel Monti. "He's the hacker you told me about?"

I nod as I stare at the picture. He wasn't a threat. His time has been tied up with his ten year old daughter lately. She's been battling cancer for the last eight months.

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