17 | May 23rd

150 11 55

(⚠️ Mention of Rape and abuse.⚠️)

(Noose- Nissan Barrett)


With every fist that collides with the punching bag, another ball of anger coils tightly in my gut. I couldn't fucking sleep. Not when I can still feel her lips on mine. It's like a phantom kiss, still lingering and luring me back to her.

I'd forgotten. I forgot what she'd done when we were in that office. When she moved like the predator I knew she was. When she gingerly wiped the blood from my fingers and spoke softly to me.


Only a few people were allowed to call me that. My mother. Violet. And now suddenly I wanted to hear Rosie fucking Costa say it. Her voice was angelic when she said it, like a siren beckoning me with her call.

My fist collided with the bag.

I couldn't forget what she'd done, even if she was a different person now. Even if part of me told me I should question that night. Question her fathers words. He was a snake. He was manipulative.

But what says she isn't either?

Was I letting a temptress sway my intentions?

I shouldn't have kissed her. I should have talked myself out if it. When we left that office, all I could think about was getting back to the hotel, throwing her on my bed, and fucking her. But it was the heat of the moment.

I barely lasted with restraint until we got to the elevators. I suppose luck was on my side. Violet could ruin a mood instantly and she was my saving grace yesterday. If not, I might have done more. I would have done things I would have regretted it.

I groan and rest my forehead against the leather bag. Did I regret the kiss?

Her wide beautiful eyes, her dainty touch as she grabbed my hand when I surprised her, and the way she submitted so easily.

I swallow. This wasn't good. I'm supposed to protect her, not get attached to her. I can't just abandon my plans for Costa Mafia. I didn't work my ass off to become a mindless idiot around her.

So I've avoided her. Like the weak man I am, I couldn't even face her last night when I ordered her takeout. I called Hana to deliver it to her and possibly chat her up.

I pinch my eyes shut and shake my head. I would have killed one of our biggest investors yesterday if Rosie hasnt stopped me. When I found out he had defiled her. When he touched her fucking child... I wanted to carve outhis insides. I wanted to cut off his hands and shove them into his eye sockets. I wanted Rosie to watch as I mutilated the man who had traumatized her.

When I find out who else might have defiled her... I don't know if I'll have the same restraint. I'm still waiting to hear back from Gabriel. Usually he's quick with these things, but I have a nagging feeling he's avoiding telling me something. Something that he knew I wouldn't like.

I lean back, holding onto the bag as it sways from its chains.

I need to call him.

I grabbed my phone from the metal table across the room and sat down on its edge. This room was reserved for my own... entertainment. I used it mostly as a gym, but occasionally I'd use it as a torture room. I glance to the drain by my feet, a rusted orange hue from the countless bodies I drained during torture.

Whoever hurt Rosie would meet the same fate.

He picked up just before the phone went to voice-mail. "Sir?"

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