61 | Monsters

72 2 5

⚠️Violence, gore... aka torture.⚠️

You Should See me in a Crown - Billie Eilish


He looked up at I stepped into the room. Relief washed over his face. A relief he shouldn't feel. Dr. Ackermans was sitting in a steel chair with leather straps restraining him.

"Ms. Costa!" His copper eyes lit up as I stopped in the middle of the room. "There's been a mistake-"

"I don't see any mistakes." I watch as his smile drops and unease settles over him. I felt Kōji's presence before his heavy hand landed on my shoulder.

His mouth snapped shut as his eyes flickered between us. He was evaluating the situation. He was very well the same man I remember. Same salt and pepper hair and creases lined his aging face. Except he was missing his glasses.

"It's all a misundersta-"

"How well are you familiar with hypnotherapy, Ackermans?" I muse aloud as I shrug away from Kōji's touch.

A long rectangular table sat against the far wall. I shuffled towards it and traced my hand over one of the many surgical knives. I picked up a scalpel, one of the smallest instruments. It fit in my hand perfectly as I turned it over in my hand admiring its silver gleam. Slow incisions would be a slower death. A little cut here, a little a dismembered body part there. Preferably a finger or two to start.

I wasn't for torture. I could hardly stomach it most often. But something told me that the circumstances have changed. Not only would I stomach this, but I would take pleasure in causing him pain.

His mouth had snapped shut after my question. I turned my face towards him questioningly. His eyes were on the scalpel in my right hand.

"How long have you worked with hypnotherapy? Twenty? Thirty years?"

His eyes flickered up to meet mine as I slowly turned towards him with a tilt of my head. "I've done nothing wrong."

His voice was firm. He believed it. That just made it ten times worse.

"Our opinions on the matter contradict, doctor." I wave the blade as I speak, watching smugly as his eyes follow the movement. "You see," I point at him. "I believe messing with peoples minds and taking advantage of them makes you a monster."

"Then killing people would make you a monster."

My lips pulled into a smile as I walked towards him. I stopped between his legs and bowed down until my face hovered over his. I trace the blunt end of the blade across his jawline. He swallowed.

"I guess I'm a monster then. Oops." I lick my lips as I stand to my full height.

"You don't have to do this, Rosie." Kōji murmured behind me. "I can-"

"No." I shake my head as I stare into Ackermans terrified eyes. "I want to know how it feels to be the cause of his pain. Just keep guard at the door."

I listened to his retreating footsteps until he stopped at the door. Once more I admired the tiny narrow blade in my hand.

"I have a few questions, doctor. Answer correctly and it will hurt a little less. Answer wrong and you'll lose a finger or two." I tilted my head in thought. "What did you do to Dominic Rivera? And how do we reverse it?"

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