63 | Mending

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⚠️Gruesome scene, blood and gore.⚠️

Heartbroken- Diplo, Jessie Murph & Polo G


Every day I sat outside of his door. Most often I spent my time on my laptop writing. It helped me cope and understand what I was feeling. I didn't say anything. I didn't peek inside. I watched Kōji's doctor and himself go in and out checking on Dominic. They gave me the occasional update whenever I looked up at them expectantly.

He was doing better. He wasn't a risk to himself anymore after a week. They took off his restraints. It was a good sign. He was eating regularly and working on physical therapy from when I'd shot him.

He didn't ask for me. I don't know whether I should feel disappointed, hurt, or confused. Possibly all of the above.

I heard Ackermans screeches with every visit Hana paid him. She'd come out covered in blood splatters, give me a nod, then disappear up the stairs to get cleaned up. Like clock work she'd come back down with my pain killers, possibly something to eat, and then we'd sit together chatting about anything to keep our minds busy. It was a good distraction for both of us. We didn't talk about Dominic or her impending marriage. We kept it light and care free.

Maybe we were attempting to find normality in our chaotic lives. Or maybe we just wanted an escape. Did it help? I couldn't tell. My thoughts were always there. Always pacing back and forth in the back of my mind, waiting to remind me of all everything I wanted to forget.

Today was the same as the rest. My laptop was warming my thighs as my fingers sprinted across the keys. I had music lightly playing. It helped sometimes. I stopped and reread what I wrote as the little line flashed impatiently, waiting for me to spill more of my soul onto the Word Document.

I chewed on my bottom lip as my eyes flickered across the last sentence repeatedly. I was about to hit the backspace when I heard a loud dragged out beep. My head snapped up, brows furrowing as I looked around the room. It took me a few seconds too long to realize it was coming from Dominic's room.

Immediately my heart stopped and my stomach dropped as I pushed my laptop off my lap. The sound was the heart monitor flatlining. I was almost on my feet when his door slammed open, possibly leaving a hole in the drywall behind it. I was halfway up onto my knees, supported against the wall, when someone came staggering out.

I froze. I didn't know whether it was out of fear or shock, possibly both. Dominic, in a pair of loose fitting grey sweatpants and a white ribbed tank top, was suddenly in front of me limping his way across the room with his jaw set and eyes blazing. It had been almost two weeks since I've seen him. The last I'd been before him, he wasn't Dominic and he had wanted to kill me.

He didn't stop to rest, not even as he braced himself against furniture and the wall leading up to the door across from me. He was panting, his muscles coiled, and there was something frightening in the way his eyes bored into the door.

Ackermans door.

He hadn't noticed me in his haste. I quickly got to my feet and followed after him as he swung open the door. An ungodly stench hit me first and I had to cup a hand over my mouth and nose to keep myself from gagging. When I looked into the room, I almost lost my lunch. Ackermans was unrecognizable. His nose was missing, he was bald, missing both of his hands and feet, and there were delicate designs cut into his bared chest and what limbs he still had left. His copper eyes stared past Dominic and bored into me, tears rolling down his cheeks as he opened his mouth.

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