25 | Cameras

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(⚠️ Mention of SA and possible toxic behavior. Different for every reader. Don't read if easily triggered.⚠️)

(I Would've ~ Jessie Murph)


With a blood curdling scream I shove the vanity mirror off the dresser. Glass sprinkled across the floor as it shattered on impact. My chest heaves as I stare at its remains, searching for more of those cameras. I'd only found the two Hana told me about. They lay smashed to pieces on my bathroom floor from a hammer I'd found beneath the kitchen sink. I tore apart the bathroom first, searched every crevasse and crack. The cameras were small, about the size of a quarter. Hard to see, especially because someone had painted them the same color as my cream colored walls. I upturned the bed, opened every outlet with a screw driver, removed the glass dome covering the ceiling light, nothing was untouched.

"What the hell, Costa?!" A voice boomed.

I stiffened as I sucked in a deep breath and turned. He stood in my doorway as he scanned my room. He looked at me like I was crazy. He looked at me like I was the problem.

I wasn't the fucking problem.

"How many are there?" I seeth as I rush to the bathroom and scoop up the smashed cameras. I threw them at him. He didn't block them fast enough, the small pieces collided with his face and chest. "How many fucking cameras are in here?"

He froze. His arms still half raised to protect himself, his face a mixture of shock and horror.

"Costa, I-"

"What the hell?" I spat at him. "Are you fucking insane? My room? My fucking room?"

"It's for-"

"Don't you dare say its for my safety!" I scream and grab the closest thing to me. He didn't even try to protect himself this time. The book hit his chest and fell to the floor at his feet. "You fucking pervert! I can't believe this. I can't believe I actually fucking trusted you! You're fucking sick!"

Another book hit him. This time in his shoulder. He flinched, but he didn't move.

"I fucking hate you!" I screech. "Of all people! You are supposed to be here for me! You are supposed to protect me! Now I need protection from you? I can't believe this."

I gasp through angry tears as my hands tug at my hair violently. "I didn't want to believe it when Hana said it. I didn't want to believe you put fucking cameras in my room. My fucking room! This is suppose to be the one place I feel safe. The one place I can be free from everyone."

I gasp for air as hysteria bubbled to the surface. "You fucking bastard! Say something! Why are you just standing there?!"

He swallowed.

"Why?" I cry out. "Why would you fucking do this?"

He sucks in a deep breath as I stand in the middle of my room panting for air. His eyes fall to the broken glass littering the floor, the overturn mattress, the countless items thrown around, then to me again.

"I... I don't know." He whispers.

"You don't know?" I bark out a dry laugh.

"It was for your safety."

"Was?" I seeth. "When did it stop being for my safety?"

His mouth snapped shut.

I almost gagged as nausea strangled me. "Oh my god. How long?" He didn't answer. "How long have you been watching me?"

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