51 | Triggers

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Lose Control ~ Teddy Swims


At some point I fell asleep. Whether from exhaustion or the pain medication, I wasn't sure. My dreams consisted on spiraling tangle of nightmares and reality. Luca was there, my father was there, and even Dr Ackermans. They were all calling me crazy and delusional. The dream ended with them locking me into a padded room as I screamed for someone to believe me. They all circled me and began to tear my clothes off-

My scream burned my throat as my whole body jolted me awake. I gasped through hot tears as I stared at the window. Darkness cloaked the room as my silent sobs echoed around me. My body had a dull ache, possibly from the medication wearing off. I couldn't stop my body from stiffening and trembling as I battled between what was reality and what was a dream.

Slowly I pushed myself up with trembling arms until I was sitting upright on the hospital bed. I cradled my head in my shaky hands as I rested my elbows on my thighs. Not even locking my jaw shut could stop the quiver that rattled my bones.

This dream was tame compared to the others, but with my emotions raw and my mental state fluctuating, it still shook me. Tears poured down my cheeks as I silently sobbed to myself, my body rocking back and forth unconsciously. My fingernails dug into my skull as everything slowly began ripping through me again.

I hoped after being free the torture would end. I hoped I could go back to the way things were. Yet, every time I fall asleep the night terrors come for me. And when I wake, the memories come back to haunt me and suffocate me. I'm no longer in that room, I escaped those woods, yet my mind and body won't let me embrace the freedom I so desperately crave.

"You're okay." I mutter angrily to myself. "You're fine. Everything's fine."

A sob tore its way through my lips, my mouth falling open in a gut wrenching silent cry as my skin shivered in disgust. I wanted to claw my flesh off of bone. I wanted to scrub my body until it was raw.

I need to shower. I need to-

The light suddenly clicked on and a startled shriek escaped my sore throat as my head snapped up in alarm. I almost threw my fist in the direction of the body sitting in the chair next to my bed, until I saw their face.

Mocha eyes stared back at me from a tired and hollow face. Bruises lied beneath their eyes and their once caramel skin was now a tone paler as they held my gaze. Black thick hair, longer than I remembered, fell in front of their eyes as they slowly sat up straight in the leathery seat.

"Dom?" My voice was hoarse and raw with emotions I couldn't seem to reign in.

Hearing his name he sat forward, his tattooed hand resting on the edge of the mattress. It was him. It was my Dom. The familiar tattoos that decorated his throat, chest, and hands were somehow comforting. In a pair of grey sweats and a black thick wool sweater, he stood out beautifully against the sterile white walls of my hospital room.

My skin shivered as my nails dragged angry red marks over my arms. I wanted to carve off the feeling of disgust that wrapped around my body like a second skin.

"Stop that." His deep voice was soft as his warm hand lifted and covered mine.

I froze. The feeling of his warmth and the tiny calluses on the pads of his fingers and palm should have brought me reassurance. Instead I found myself pulling away as the shiver continued to absorb my body.

No. He's good. He won't hurt me.

My body didn't listen as I shoved away the covers. It was like a million ants were scurrying across my skin. I wanted to tear myself apart to get rid of the feeling.

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