04 | The First Text 🥀

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Two days later-

I drum my fingernails against the glass surface as I do my best to listen to Destiny while she chatters non-stop animatedly about her mystery man.

AKA- her little friend with benefits. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was head over heels.

She took a breather to pop her straw into her mouth and suck up the remainder of her smoothie. I wasn't too keen on sharing my intimate moments with my boyfriend, but leave it to Destiny to exaggerate and give me visual aids about all the positions she's recently been put in by Mr. Mystery Man.

"Oh my god!" She sighed dreamily. "You know it's good dick when you can't feel your legs after."

I popped my own straw in my mouth, avoiding her statement as she grabs a strawberry from a glass bowl on the patio table. She hums and smiles wickedly to herself. I didn't ask. I've learned curiosity truly does kill the cat when it comes to her.

When she said she'd buy me a smoothie and steal me away from my busy schedule for fifteen minutes. I didn't expect I'd be spending those fifteen minutes listening to her sex life. She was very... adventurous when it came to the bedroom. Some of the things she's tried terrifies me. I don't know if I could ever be as wild as she is.

I doubt Luca would let me even if I wanted to try.

I shake my head in shame. He says I should stay "innocent". I doubt he'd call me innocent if he knew about my past.

A familair tug slithered around my lungs as I forced a smile as Destiny prattled on about her own life. The heavy weight on my chest threatened to suffocate me- to drag me back to the night I dug myself out of hell. I can't let myself go back to that place. I can't succumb to that person once again.

If I did. I don't know if I'd ever be able to pull myself back out of it again.

"-so then I told him to make it official." She nibbles on her straw, her brows bunched together in thought. "But he says he's not ready. He says he likes me and the thing we've got going on, but he isn't ready for that step yet."

She growled in irritation, pushing her empty glass away angerly. "We've already fucked. We've been doing this shit for over a year. Why is it so wrong making us an item?"

"Maybe he's afraid of commitment." I shrug, swallowing back the heavy weight reaching up from my lungs.

"No." She grumbles to herself. "I don't think that's why."

I wasn't about to ask her to elaborate. We'd be here for another twenty minutes as she cuts every little thing he does into small increments for me to dissect. As much as I love her, I didn't have time for that.

Hayden wants to meet with me at La Vipora before work hours. Hayden and I weren't that close. I haven't even met the guy yet. Father didn't really want any of his children to depend on each other. He said it would make us weaker if we bonded. But for whatever reason, Hayden wants to see me. As much as I wished it could be a true outreach to mend our family ties. I doubted it. It's most likely some sort of publicity tactic.

My phone vibrated beside my smoothie glass. I sigh as I debate whether I should check the notification or ignore it. If it was another scolding about the other night, I wasn't in the mood. Luca had ran to my mother the next day and threw me to the devil herself. He told her about my girls night out and the past few days I've been getting non-stop insults and ridicul from her. I'm just so tired of hearing it.

It's fucking exhausting.

Another buzz vibrates the glass table and with a huff, I pick up my phone and unlock the screen. Destiny's too enthralled with her own self-made drama, rambling on in an attempt to dissect her situationship. She doesn't even notice as I glance at my phone beneath the table.

Rosie's Thorns 🥀|18+|🥀Where stories live. Discover now