08 | Death of an Heir 🥀

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(⚠️ This chapter will contain blood and gore. You all were warned.⚠️ )


The two men stood in each others arms as they swayed to the soft music echoing throughout the mansion. Just from here, where I stood, I could see the affection they held for one another. The taller man had his hand holding his partners head to his chest, softly massaging his scalp as he buried his nose into his partners dirty blonde hair. His pale blue eyes drooped softly, perfectly content with the man clinging to his chest.

My eyes fell on the latter. Such a weak excuse for a human. Drunk, crying pitifully into his lovers chest as his partner murmurs soft words of reassurance. He looked so much like his father. It was sickening.

His grey eyes were a reflection of that monsters. His face a reminder of what his father had done to everything I'd ever loved- ever cared for. Where they showed physical similarities, they lacked in personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Yet, I can't help the roaring beast within my head, begging to continue what I'd started.

Armando only had one weakness. Only one thing he kept safer than his own mortal body. Something he protected with his last dying breath- the dying breath I took from him.

His legacy...

His precious children.

Who knows how many were out there still, but I at least knew of three. Richard Gonzalez, Hayden Costa, and Rosie Costa. They were on that short list Armando kept secretly stashed close to his heart.

The first was easy. I didn't kill him... No, I made sure he suffered as one by one I plucked particularly at the people he'd grown to call family. Just as his father had done to me.

The crew he served.

He watched, chained to the ground as I slowly and meticulously carved and dismembered every body before his eyes. I watched his terror cave into acceptance. I watched his once beating heart crumble into emptiness. He watched all of this unfold over the course of two days. I'd bring a new victim every hour, for twelve hours and carve them for his own special show. Then I'd leave him for another twelve hours to watch their bodies decay and allow the odor to choke him out. Then as the next twelve hours ticked by, our routine began again.

Once I felt satisfied I'd done enough, I poured buckets of maggots onto their bodies to speed up the process. For last, and rather entertaining measures, I strung up the last victim to the rafters with a sloppy stitched wig on his head. A message for the next child born of Costa blood. Then I left the first born to rot with his dead brethren.

No one knew this man was Armando's first born. He hid it well. Not even Richard knew that he was a child of the man he served. I doubt he'd even understand it if someone tried to explain it to him. He's too far gone in his own head to understand anything at all anymore.

I lick my lips as my leather gloved thumb runs across the sharp edge of my blade. Sometimes I surprise myself. There are times when I disconnect from reality and commit such heinous acts, even I can't keep my stomach later when I think back one what I'd done.

Then my eyes land on Hayden Costa and I remind myself that it's worth it. Every spec of sanity I lose as I dismember the Costa Mafia will be worth it in the end. All that Armando had built will crumble by my hand and if its the price of my sanity that I pay, then I willingly give it up.

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