36 | Townsend

104 7 35

You Don't Want Me- Tassia Zappia


When Hana said she had a place in Tennessee in the countryside, I didn't know what to expect. I hoisted my suitcase out of the back of the van and stared at the small two story house. It was dream worthy, white picket fence and all. It was beautiful. Vines clung to the siding, thick shrubbery pressed against the base of the home, and a small porch with a matching swing sat in the front of the house.

Flowery bushes, from roses to tulips were planted in white painted tires or growing around the sides of the steps leading up to the porch. The house sat on about five acres of land and was completely surrounded by dense trees and undergrowth. There was a small shed peeking out from behind the tiny home and an even tinier adjacent garage that could park only one vehicle at a time.

The driveway was made up of loose gravel and it crunched softly beneath our feet as we shuffled towards the porch behind Hana. It was almost 8:30am by the time we pulled onto the lengthy hidden driveway. A yawn locked my jaw in place for a fraction of a second. My hand flashed up to cover my mouth as I groan as another yawn escapes me.

Hana eagerly unlocked the door and threw it open. She barely casted us a second glance as she told us to get comfortable and dashed for the narrow stairs leading to the second floor. A door slammed shut from above and then silence wrapped around us.

I sat down on my suitcase and sighed as I glanced around. It was simple. Bare minimum. Antique wooden table and chairs in the dinning area, basic kitchen supplies in the kitchen, and then there was the living room. It had one royal blue couch positioned on one side of the room, an empty fireplace on the other side, and then a tiny glass antique coffee table. That was it.

I bet the bedrooms were just as simple. Beds and a dresser. I didn't have the energy to investigate just yet. On the other hand, Dom had already began checking the place out for possible threats. He was opening supply closets, pantries, and peeking his head into random rooms. Either that, or he was just nosey. I just watched him until he felt he could relax.

"We should get some-" a yawn broke his sentence, "-sleep. After we've had enough sleep then we can go from their."

I nod my head. "We can just leave the bags down here for now. I'm too lazy to drag them upstairs."

"And Hana will kill us if we wake her up." He chuckled softly.

I hummed as I opened my suitcase and pulled out a soft fuzzy pajama set. They were a cheap set from Wal-Mart, but at this point I didn't care about brands. They were white, soft, and fluffy shorts with a matching cropped hoodie.

"Did you happen to see a bathroom?"


"I call dibs." I mumble as I shuffle for the stairs.

"Knock yourself out." He followed close behind me.

The stairs were surprisingly very narrow. I could only imagine how someone would get furniture up them. It made me question how small the beds were. The bathroom was the first door directly across from the stairs. I didn't glance around as I rushed in and locked myself inside. I've never showered so quickly in all my life. I just wanted to be done and go to bed.

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