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DCBS: Chapter 67

The first day of Jiangyuan College’s entrance examination was a written test and the second day was an interview.

There were many subjects in the written test and time was very tight. It took place one after another. Once the last test was over in the evening, the high school students who could finally bring their bags home were exhausted.

Everyone left the classroom one after another and walked to the school gate. Many parents waited at the door. They saw that their child had come out and immediately beckoned. There were many noisy sounds for a while.

In the dark crowd, Pei Qingyuan saw Ji Tong instantly.


He was wearing a beige sweater and a dark blue scarf embroidered with a white mushroom. He looked like a miniature version of Pei Qingyuan.

The moment Ji Tong saw the host, he immediately jumped up and beckoned to him. “Are you thirsty? I bought a drink!”

Behind him stood a tall adult man, blocking others who might crowd over. He wore a pair of sunglasses on his face and gave off an air of being unable to approach. However, he held three drinks in his left hand and two boxes of egg tarts in his right hand.

The moment Ji Tong spoke, he cooperatively raised the snacks in his hand and showed them to Pei Qingyuan.

The other students couldn’t help looking envious when they saw how well prepared these family members were.

After the exam, there were drinks, desserts, a cute brother and a tall and mighty… bodyguard?

Pei Qingyuan walked quickly toward the two and couldn’t help thinking that when Fang Hao didn’t speak, he still looked quite presentable. This was very consistent with the identity of the bodyguard arranged by a mysterious rich man for his young son.

But as soon as he spoke…

He walked to Ji Tong’s side and heard Fang Hao whisper, “Shall we go home directly? My building blocks aren’t finished yet.”

Ji Tong gave him a mushroom scarf as a gift for the arrival of winter and also gave Fang Hao a set of assembled building blocks that looked exquisite.

This caused Fang Hao to abandon flying chess and to sit in front of the coffee table in the living room every day, obsessed with building blocks. A variety of parts were laid out on the table. In addition, Pei Qingyuan was recently studying circuits and mechanical welding so he bought a large number of parts. The whole house was suddenly filled with the atmosphere of an underground factory.

Like all parents concerned about their children’s grades, Ji Tong was worried the moment he saw the host. “Brother, how do you feel after the exam?”

He knew that Pei Qingyuan would do very well in the exam but the necessary process had to be followed. If other examinees had it then the host must also have it.

Pei Qingyuan nodded. “The results should be good.”

The people around them were having similar conversations. Pei Qingyuan pulled the soft scarf around his neck, took the drink from Fang Hao’s hand and held Ji Tong, who was imitating his movements and tossing the scarf. “Let’s go home.”

He became more and more accustomed to this once unfamiliar phrase.

On the winter day when dusk was approaching, each family walked home with laughter.

There was still the interview the next day. For this occasion, Pei Qingyuan wasn’t nervous and there was no special preparation. He was still studying the assembly of the jelly bean robot as usual and would go to the forum for help when he encountered problems.

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