134 (Extra 4 Part 1)

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DCBS: Chapter 134 Part 1
Extra Four: Xie Yuchi

The summer five years ago.

The flight to the other side of the ocean took off on time. A long line of trail clouds dragged out in the clear blue sky.

The snow was still falling. When the luxury car drove back to the hotel, the roof of the car was already covered with a thin layer of white snow.

John, the blond-haired driver, dropped Ji Tong and Pei Qingyuan off at the airport. Then he returned to the hotel to continue serving the other team members who stayed for the follow-up activities.

The doorman greeted him graciously and offered to park the car for him, but John refused.

There were often opportunities to drive luxury cars for employers but such cool luxury cars were rare. He cherished every minute of the time he spent with this car called Xiao Hei.

After a while, three young men with Eastern faces walked out of the hotel, their faces full of excitement.

The morning event was over and there was an interview in the late afternoon. They booked a famous local seafood restaurant to try out.

Of course, seafood wasn’t the most important thing. The most important thing was the way to the seafood restaurant.

Ouyang Yu reached out and ruffled his carefully groomed hair and his expression looked quite proud.

“Senior, I’ll leave it to you to take photos later,” he told Lin Rui. “It is best to record a few short videos with more angles. You must capture my handsome side…”

Lin Rui nodded with a smile. Xie Yuchi listened to his chatter and snorted coldly.

They had just used the extremely childish method of rock paper scissors with a best of five system to determine who could get the right to drive Xiao Hei to the restaurant.

The point was that he lost.

It was irritating.

Ouyang Yu greeted John excitedly, telling him in a foreign language that he would drive by himself later and inviting him to eat a seafood dinner together.

Of course, John wouldn’t refuse his employer’s request. He opened the door and walked out, while confirming by the way, “Can the driver’s license you hold be used in our country?”

The moment these words came out, Ouyang Yu froze as he was about to get into the driver’s seat.

“It’s over. I forgot about this…”

Seeing this, Xie Yuchi couldn’t help laughing with a straight face. “Who let you brag.”

Ouyang Yu fought back. “Aren’t we from the same country? If my driver’s license doesn’t work then yours doesn’t either.”

“……” Xie Yuchi suddenly couldn’t laugh. “F*k.”

He originally planned to drive Xiao Hei handsomely in the afternoon to show off to the scumbag.

As a result, everyone was so excited that they forgot the fact that foreign driver’s licenses might not be valid.

John could only shrug regretfully when he saw these young people in high spirits instantly collapse.

On the way to the seafood restaurant, Xie Yuchi searched the Internet for a long time before confirming that he couldn’t legally drive with his license. Then he was completely dead.

He sank into Xiao Hei’s comfortable seat and sighed, angrily sending out a post on his Moments that wasn’t high quality.

[Xie Yuchi: D*mn, I can’t drive a car. Why don’t I have an international driver’s permit?!!!]

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