Mission Accomplished

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"Tara? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your position just in case Vey finds out about us!" Quentin exclaimed at the brunette, who was looking very confused.

"Quentin!" She sighed in relief and gripped his arm. "Taylor must've done something to me, I don't remember the plan."

He looked both nervous and concerned. "Nothing?" She nodded her head. "She probably learned a new trick. Okay, we're on a stake out for Vey. When he passes over there," he pointed, "you make him feel hopeless, confused, whatever to make him vulnerable. Then the other Glows will tie him up, torture him, all that stuff."

She slowly nodded, before frowning. "How are you sure that Mi- Vey is by himself."

"We made sure of it." He grinned.

"And what's your job?" She asked.

"I'm the president. I make sure everything goes smoothly." He said smugly.

"Looks like you need to get fired." A voice cut in.

Quentin turned around, his eyes widening before getting blasted by a ball of electricity.

Taylor smiled at her boyfriend as they both rushed over to the Eagle to tie him up. "Nice line."

"Thanks." Michael tied the last knot and spoke into his radio. "We got Quentin. How's the rest of the Eagles?"

"They were pretty resistant but we got all of them tied up." Zeus replied.

Taylor grinned enthusiastically. "Mission accomplished."


A really quick one shot because why not? I just like the plot, I hope that something like it will happen.

Requests! I have a lot of unfinished requests, and those will be up (hopefully) soon. The next few parts probably aren't going to be requests, though. And you can still comment ideas if you want, they'll just be added on a list and won't be posted too soon. I'm sorry!

Anyway, vote or comment if you liked.


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