Another Chance (Requested)

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Confession time: I haven't read MV6 Fall of Hades until today - December 25 (it was a Christmas present). I know, it came out THREE months ago and I'm only reading it now? Yeah, I suck. Anyway, 

AAFBJBGNOJNJWEO THAT CLIFFHANGER (yes, I finished it in under a day)

So this is my spin on what could happen after that. Requested by JoshSmith14.

Sidenote- In the book, it said that the whole tower disintegrated, except for the bottom five feet or so. In this one shot, let's pretend that the tower just broke apart into rubble :)

Happy Holidays everyone!



Welch looked around for a moment, then at the surviving members of the Electroclan, and said "Let's get out of here. Is everyone here?"

"We lost some," McKenna said. "Tanner and Gervaso."

Welch's head dropped. "I'm sorry. Anyone else?"

No one spoke. No one could. Welch looked around for a moment, then said "Where's Michael?"


Michael expected pain. Lots and lots of it. Instead he felt nothing. Serene, almost. All he saw was darkness. Voices filled his head. Panicked voices. Screaming. Yelling. Crying. He could hear someone trying to calm everyone else down, but he could not tell who it was. All the voices sort of blended together. Except one.


Michael gasped. His eyes flew open, and he couldn't breathe. It took him a second to realize something. He didn't need to breathe.

What is going on, he thought.

He blinked and finally noticed where he was. He was floating. Thousands of feet in the air, seemingly where the tower had been. Where he was, as he got struck by lightning.

I got struck by lightning.

But what exactly happened? Why was he floating?

He looked down at what used to be an Elgen replica of Fort Knox. Now, you couldn't tell what used to be a tree or a wall. He floated down, toward the ant-sized people who were emerging from the thick layer of white dust covering the whole island. He started making out who some of the figures were. A cluster of them were gathered in a circle, near the dock. A rectangular ship was docked, and a few people were exiting it.

He finally got close enough and watched with confusion as he softly landed, not even noticing how he couldn't feel the ground beneath his feet. Something else caught his attention - someone else.

Michael's heart pounded at the sight of Taylor, sobbing on her knees. She was clinging on to Ostin, who had tears streaming down his face.

"Taylor?" Michael asked.

Heartwrenching sobs wracked through her body. She was saying something, repeating it as if she couldn't believe it, like she had to keep telling herself. It seemed like something important. Michael could barely understand her, but he was even more confused once he did.

She rocked back and forth, soaking Ostin's shirt with tears. "He's gone. He's gone." She repeated those words, over and over again.

"Who's gone?" Michael asked.

She didn't seem to hear him, only saying the same two words. Michael's head snapped up to Ostin, as his best friend mumbled something.

Ostin wrapped his arms around Taylor. "He's gone. Michael's gone." His voice cracked at the end as the shock wore off. He broke down, now clinging to Taylor. They both held each other as if they were their life support, scared to let go.

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