Sick at Work (Liam)

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I didn't even mean for this update to be a Liam but since it's his birthday it seems fitting. Happy Birthday to the sweetest, most big hearted guy. I'm so proud to be part of a Fandom that involves Liam Payne.

"Liam babe, wake up," you said shaking your husband lightly. He opened his eyes and immediately felt an ache in his stomach. You put your hand on his head. He never slept past his alarm. "You feeling ok baby?" You asked. He shook off the ache and sat up.

"Yeah, just in a deep sleep I guess," He said standing up. "I'm up now." He walked into the bathroom and got in the shower. The ache in his stomach still lingered but he could ignore it for now. He finished getting ready and walked downstairs to find you making breakfast for him. He sat down at the table as you put a plate of pancakes in front of him. You sat down across from him and looked at him. You could tell something was wrong.

"Li," you said softly. He looked up at you. "You alright?"

"Course," he smiled taking a bite of pancake. You nodded and started eating yours. Liam managed to eat his breakfast but it just whirled around in his stomach. He knew he couldn't miss going to the studio, they started recording today. So he pushed through it. He kissed you goodbye and made his way into the studio. He walked in and Harry was the only one there.

"Morning Payno," He said.

"Morning. Where are the other two?"

"Should be on their way now." Liam sat down and put his head in his hands. His breakfast tossed around in his stomach which cramped painfully. He put his hand on his bloated belly and sighed. "Alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Liam lied. He sat up and took his hand away from his stomach as to not draw more attention to himself. Few minutes later Niall walked through the door followed by Louis.

"Morning fellas," Louis smiled. Niall sits down beside Liam. He could tell immediately that something is wrong.

"Hey," Niall said softly. Liam looked over. "You ok?" He whispered. Liam nodded. Niall looked him up and down and Liam gave him a small smile.

"Niall you go first," Harry said. Niall jumped up and went to go record. Liam sighed and put his hand back on his stomach. He takes a deep breath and rubs his stomach carefully. When Niall comes out he looks at Liam.

"You're turn Payno," he says. Liam nods and stands up. As he walks past Niall he puts his hand on Liam's shoulder and looks at him. Liam smiled and keeps going. He walks into the little room and puts the headphones on.

"Ready Liam?" Liam nods. The music starts and Liam starts singing. He knows that he doesn't sound very good but he pushes through. When he finished he walks out and goes to get Harry.

"Your turn Haz," he says quietly. Harry nods and walks out. Liam gets very dizzy and has to stable himself on the table. Niall jumps up and helps him sit down.

"Alright mate?" Niall asks.

"Yeah I just..." Liam is cut off by a gag and his hand shoots to his mouth. Louis jumps up an grabs the trash can and hands it to Niall. Niall sits down beside Liam and hold the bin for him as he gags again.

"Easy there, Payno," Niall whispers. Liam's stomach seizes up sending up his breakfast that makes a reappearance in the bin. Louis rubs Liam's back as he continues throw up. Harry comes back in and sees the commotion and quickly dials your number. When Liam his finished Harry comes back in the room.

"Your turn Lou, Liam Y/N is on her way," Harry says putting a hand on his back. Liam nods and Louis leaves the room.

"Feel better mate?" Niall asks. Liam shakes his head. "Poor lad." Liam is hit with another wave a nausea a few minutes later and reaches for the bin. Niall grabs it and hands it to him just before Liam's stomach sends up more half-digested food. You walk in shortly after and look at your sick husband sadly. Niall stands and lets you take a seat beside Liam. You start rubbing his back until his is finished. He looks up at you his eyes glossy and red.

"Lets get you home," you whisper. He nods. You thank the boys and lead Liam out to the car. You get him home and he immediately runs to the bathroom to empty his stomach. You rush in after him and sit on the bathtub and rub his back.

"Sorry about this love," he says before heaving again.

"I'm sorry you're so sick," you whispered. He coughs and takes a breath.

"Think I'm done," he say flushing the toilet.

"Let's get you back in bed. I'll cuddle with you."

"That sounds wonderful," Liam smiles. You get your husband to bed and wrap him in your arms and rub his sick tummy until he falls asleep. You stay home with him for the day and he is feeling much better by the next morning.

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