Louis Anorexic

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This was a request I got and I feel I should put a disclaimer. It's a sensitive topic and I want to make it clear that I that topics like this very seriously. I have one more request I'm going to get to later on that has a sensitive topic like this as well. I am in no way making light of stuff like this and if any of you struggle with anything I want you to know that you are not alone. If you ever need something to talk to you can hit me up. I myself struggle with depression, anxiety and OCD. Just know that there is hope. With that being said I hope you enjoy it.

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I hadn't seen Louis in a while. He hadn't been acting like himself. Ever since the break started he wanted to be left alone. We all tried to get ahold of him and get him out of the house but he always had some excuse. We were all a little worried so I deiced to stop by and pay him a visit. I pulled up to his house and knocked on his door. I waited for a while and there was not answer. I rang his doorbell and waited. Just before I was about to give up I heard him unlock the door. I wasn't expecting what I saw on the other side. Louis was pale and very thin. It looked like he had lost twenty pounds since I saw him last. His clothes were baggy and falling off him. His eyes were dull and lifeless and he had dark circles under his eyes. For a moment I was speechless.

"Hey Haz." His voice sounded weak.

"Lou, hey. How you doing buddy. Haven't seen you in a while." I wasn't sure what I should say.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've had a lot going on." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Can I come in? I haven't seen you in ages."

"Yeah sure." He stepped to the side and let me walk in. He shut the door and walked in behind me. I sat down on the couch and Louis sat beside me.

"How have you been Lou? I haven't seen you in a while." He shrugged a little.

"I've been alright." I was trying to think of a way to bring up his appearance without upsetting him.

"Niall and Liam have been talking about meeting for dinner. We'd love you to come." I waited to see what his response would be.

"Oh, yeah that sounds nice. I've been pretty busy though so I'm not sure if I'll have time." Well that didn't work like I wanted it to. I decided to try something else.

"Yeah I understand. Are you busy today? Maybe we can grab some lunch."

"Umm, yeah alright. That sounds nice." I smiled to myself.

"Great. You pick, it's my treat."

"Alright, I'll get changed and we can go." Louis stood up and started to walk away. He lost his balance and stumbled a little. I jumped up and grabbed him making sure he didn't fall.

"You alright Lou?" I asked getting him steady.

"Oh yeah, always." He continued to walk away from me. I had grabbed Lou's arm to keep him from falling, his arm was so thin I was afraid I would break it if I held it too tightly. Something wasn't right. I was really worried about him. When I was sure he couldn't hear me I walked to the kitchen and grabbed my phone and dialed Liam's number.

"Hey Haz," he answered.

"Hey, umm. So I'm at Louis's right now."

"Oh yeah? You finally got ahold of him. How is he doing?"

"We'll that's the thing. I couldn't get ahold of him either so I just came over. Liam he's really thin. I think he's lost like twenty pounds since I saw him last. Something isn't right."

"Is he really that bad?"

"Yes, he went to stand up and almost fell. He's really weak. I grabbed his arm to keep him from falling. Liam his arms are like twigs. I've never seen him so thin."

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