Niall Knee Surgery

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This was a request by @maryhoranx hope you enjoy it.

Niall and Mary were enjoying their time together on Niall's rare time off by kicking a football around their backyard. All the boys had some time off and Niall was enjoying his time with his girlfriend. He kicked the ball over to her when he felt his knee pop followed by shooting pain. He fell to the ground clutching his knee that was quickly starting to swell.

"Niall," Mary ran over to him. "You alright?"

"My knee," he groaned. Mary looked down at his leg seeing it had already started bruising.

"Can you stand?" Niall tried to move his leg back pain shot up his leg and through his body causing him to cry out in pain.

"God it hurts!" he screamed.

"Ok, ok calm down Niall." Mary started to panic. "Should I call an ambulance?" she asked. Niall couldn't even answer. He was rocking back on forth on the ground clutching his knee. It was clear he was in a lot of pain. "Ok, I'm going to call an ambulance. Not worry Niall we'll fix it." Tears flowed from his eyes. She reached for her cell phone quickly calling the paramedics. She explained what had happened and that this knee had given Niall trouble before. After giving them their location she hung up and sat back with Niall.

"It hurts so bad," Niall cried.

"I know buddy. I know. We'll fix it don't worry," she reassured him. He groaned holding his knee for dear life.

"Shit," he mumbled under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Before he could answer he and propped himself up with his arm before throwing up in the grass. He coughed a few times and gagged again. "It's alright Niall, calm down," Mary told him. She managed to get him calmed down and got him moved away from the puddle of vomit now laying in the grass.

"I can't see straight," Niall groaned.

"Hey now, you stay with me. They'll be here soon. Just hold on." The pain had completely taken him over. His vision grew blurry. "Niall stay with me. Stay awake. I can hear them, they're almost here." Niall fought to keep his eyes open. He saw the flushing lights and heard the paramedics yelling. Someone had lifted him up and was putting him in the back of the ambulance when everything went dark.

Niall had planned to have his knee operated on later in the year due to an old football injury acting up. The doctors explained to Mary that he had damaged his knee further and that they would have to operate now. She called the other four boys explaining what had happened. They all agreed to meet her at the hospital and wait with her. The first to show up was Liam.

"Hey." He ran in and hugged Mary. "Is he ok?"

"I don't know. We were kicking the ball around in the yard when he dropped down. He was in so much pain he threw up. I'm worried about him." Louis, Zayn and Harry ran in shortly after that.

"Where is he?" Zayn asked.

"They took him back for surgery," Mary explained.

"He needs surgery now?" Louis asked.

"He's damaged that knee more. It could wait another two months." The boys sighed.

"He'll be alright. He wanted the operation done anyways. It's just earlier now," Harry said trying to lift the mood.

"He was in so much pain," Mary sighed.

"He'll feel much better after this is all over," Liam told her. She nodded. They wait nervously for several hours before they were called.

"Horan." Everyone jumped up and went to the nurse. "He's just fine. The surgery went well. He's still feeling the effects of the anesthetic but he should be waking up soon. I can only let one of you back at a time." Mary of course was the one to go back. She followed the nurse into a room where Niall was laying on the bed. His eyes were closed and he was hooked up to an IV and an oxygen machine. She sat down next to him putting her hand on his. After a while he started to wake up.

"Hey sunshine," Marry smiled.


"Yeah it's me."

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital Nialler, do you remember anything?"

"Hospitals are for sick people I'm not sick," he huffed crossing his arms. The drugs hadn't worn off yet.

"No you're not sick Niall. You hurt your knee remember? You needed surgery."

"I don't need surgery. I'm having surgery next month," he argued.

"You were going to yes. But you needed it now because you hurt your knee more. We were playing football."

"I love football," he smiled. Mary chuckled.

"I know you do Nialler. We were playing football earlier today and you got hurt."

"I didn't get hurt. Niall got hurt," he informed her. There was no point in arguing with him, he had no clue what he was saying.

"You're right Niall did get hurt. We're going to help Niall get better ok?" He nodded. "Close your eyes and go to sleep. When you wake up Niall will feel better." He smiled and did as she said. He breathing evened out after a few minutes. She chuckled to herself at the confused little leprechaun and walked back out to tell the boys he was ok. When she was able to take him home she was by his side during the physical therapy. After several months he was no longer in pain and was running and jumping around like his old self.

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