Chapter 13

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I slowly lifted my head off of Eve's shoulder. We sat under the same tree for a little over an hour. Neither of us said anything. We just sat side-by-side. I have to admit, having her as company isn't that bad. It was peaceful. But we couldn't stay there forever. "We should head back" I suggested. All I did was make a small appearance at the gathering, then I disappeared.

Eve nodded in agreement and we both stood from the forest floor. I actually found myself wanting to get back to the pack house as soon as possible. I want to see how Riley's holding up; I want to talk to everyone; and honestly, I want to apologize to Asher.

Its easier to blame someone who's living- someone that I can actually yell at. Truthfully, I know that everything is Anthony's fault. He was the one that took me. He started the war, Asher just ended it. It was never Asher's fault, but its easier to be mad at him than at my deceased father. How could I even be mad at him if he's dead? It just seems cruel, in my mind.

Asher is making an effort. When he attacked our home, his intentions were pure. He just wanted his daughter back. When he killed Anthony, he had no idea who I was. He had no idea how I would react to seeing Anthony like that. Now that I really think over it. He's done everything for me. He did it to get me back and to protect me.

It completely backfired, but he never purposefully hurt me. It was just like dominoes. He knocked down one obstacle, causing more things to fall. In this case, he knocked down Anthony, only to knock me down as well. He never meant for me to get hurt. But killing Anthony just created a ripple effect.

I've been calling him a monster. I've been yelling at him. I've been a horrible daughter; when all Asher wanted to do was be a good father. "I'm an awful person" I muttered to myself.

"You're not that bad" Eve joked. I slightly jumped at the sound of her voice. I forgot she was here. "I know that you're beating yourself up over how you've been treating Asher. But he wasn't exactly pleasant either" she reminded me.

I nodded in understanding. The rest of the walk to the pack house was silent. It was only about ten minutes with our slow pace, but neither of us interrupted the silence that surrounded us. It wasn't awkward; it was more like we were both engrossed in our own thoughts.

In my case, I was thinking about a to-do list. I have to apologize to Asher. He's at the top of my list for things to fix. The next is Keith. I have to make sure he's okay and find some way to get him to wake up. Then I have to thank Gardenia and David for setting this whole thing up. I have to sort things out with Riley. And finally, I have to deal with my mate.

It might seem messed up that he's at the end of my list. But honestly, I want to prolong that conversation as long as I can. "Go on. Just give me a minute" I told Eve as we came to the porch. She nodded and gave me a small smile before going inside the pack house.

Now, what will I say to Asher? I can apologize for the way I acted, but people say that 'sorry' doesn't make up for everything. I'm not sure if an apology will suffice for my behavior. He finally got his 'long-lost daughter' back, only for her to be rude and disrespectful.

Suddenly hearing footsteps, I turned my head and saw Asher. He stood on the porch, a few yards away from me. Neither of us said anything. We just stared at each other. "I'm sorry!" we blurted out at the same time.

"I shouldn't have said that about Anthony" he continued. "He raised you. He's the only father you have had. I guess I was just jealous. We missed out on your life. He got to be with you throughout your life. He got to raise an incredible young lady. And I wish that it was Eve and I that raised you" he stated.

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