Chapter 1

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"POPPY!" I heard from downstairs. I grabbed my school bag and ran down the stairs and to be greeted by my best friend Penelope or as I call her, Penny. We done our normal greeting at the begining of school which was our famous handshake. We made it up when we were ten and now its something we still do.

"Lets go" I said as we both started walking to school, as it was just a couple of minutes away.


When we got to school we both went our lockers, which were next to each other.

"So did you hear?" Penny asked as she shut her locker but I continued to sort mine out.

"Hear what?" I asked confused.

"About the party?"

"What party?" I said turning to face her and shutting my locker in the process.

"Chelsea is throwing a coming back to school party friday and everyone or anyone can go" She said smiling big and I knew what that meant.

She wanted me to go, with her of course. I hate parties. I wouldn't say I'm some prude but I just hate them and think they're stupid. Why cant people just have a few drinks at home with friends. Why do they need to throw a party to prove something, something I don't know what. Not only that though, Chelsea hates me. We do not get along at all. I don't want to see her, let alone go to her party.

"No, no and no." I said walking towards class with Penny trailing behind.

"You have to. I mean everyone is going and I doubt you will even see Chelsea" Penny spoke, with so much hope in her voice and I knew she wasn't going to give up.

When we got to class after a lot of argument I agreed, mainly to shut her up.

"Fine" I gave in and she jumped up and down, hugging me tight.

"YAYAYAYAY!" She cheered as we walked into class.

"ssshhhhh" The teacher spoke, glaring at Penny.

"Oh whatever, live a little" She shrugged, making me laugh.

Penelope as always been like this. Carefree and not caring what anyone thought. She stuck up for herself to the teachers and pupils. The teachers never gave her detentions because they knew she would end up there too often, plus she got the grades she needed so it wasn't like they could say anything to her. I am carefree. I will go to parties, I mean its not like I just stay home and do homework because I don't. But unlike Penelope I do care what people think of me. Its how I have always been. I dont know how to not be like it because its all I have ever know. Maybe its because of my parents.

"Ok class welcome back..." The teacher started talking but I blanked out and just stared forward, you could say I get bored during class. I cant sit still that long, that's one of the main reasons why I get in trouble.


I woke up late for school like always and saw I was just in time for lunch and one last lesson. I got my keys and started my drive to school. Even though the school is just a couple minutes away I still prefer to drive then walk, I mean I don't have a car for no reason.

I walked into the canteen and walked to the normal table where all the guys were sat already.

"Hey Mate" Was chorsed around and I nodded, sitting down between Louis and Niall.

Louis had already got my lunch for me as I texted him, so I passed the money over the table, thanking him with another nod. They all started talking about something but I was distracted by two people doing an handshake on another table near the window. One girl had blonde hair and the another brown. They done there handshake with smiles on there faces but they seemed to know it so well like they had done it for years. I cringed at the thought of doing something like that in public before turning my head back towards the boys.

"You alright there Haz?" Liam asked and I nodded

"Yea just zoned out sorry"

"So did you hear?" Niall asked and I looked at him with a frown.

"Chelsea's having a coming back to school party friday"

"So tomorrow?" I said.

"Yea you in?" Lou asked and I nodded with a grin.

"Why not its a party" I said as the bell rang.






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