Chapter 12

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I saw Poppy park outside a building. I don't know what building this was, I've never been here before but it had a lot of offices, I think. I parked my car in another place so she wouldn't notice me. I locked my car and made my way quietly, following Poppy into the building. 

I saw her walk past several people in the reception, walking through a door to another hallway. I looked through the window of the door and saw her at the far end. I slowly opened the door and started walking the way she was going. She didn't notice me because she never looked back, not once. There was quite a few people here anyway. She stopped at a door and without knocking walking straight in, slamming the door shut. I walked over to the door and looked through the small window in the door. I saw Poppy sitting down and a lady in an armchair opposite her who looked startled by Poppy's entrance. 

I looked around and saw no one was really taking notice of me. What was this place? I've never been here before, I've never even heard of this place or seen it before. I looked back through the window and saw Poppy and the lady talking but Poppy did not look happy but more angry. However, the women opposite her looked very calm. Now and then the women would write in a book that was sat on her lap and I was now completely confused. I looked on the door and saw a sign that read "Mrs S Lynn Office." Ok, so the women is called Mrs Lynn. But why is Poppy going to see her?


"Seriously, what do you write in that fucking book?" I asked again, moving over towards her to have a look but when I got close enough she closed it shut so I couldn't read anything. 

"Nothing for you to worry about." She said calmly. 

How is she staying so calm? 

"It damn well is something for me to worry about! Every time I say something you write down in that book! Let me see!" I said through gritted teeth. 

"Poppy, calm down. You don't want to do this." Mrs Lynn said  now standing up as well. 

I walked up to her so I was now in her face but unlike Harry she backed down and stepped away from me. "LET ME SEE!" I shouted and grabbed the book out of her hands. 

"Poppy!" She raised her voice a little and kept her hold on the book. 

"LET ME SEE!" I repeated and pulled the book again but instead of being in my hands it flung across the room until it hit the wall and papers fell out of it. "WHY CANT YOU JUST LET ME SEE! ITS ABOUT ME SO WHY NOT!" I shouted and Mrs Lynn looked at the book and then back at me. 

"Poppy you need to calm down before you do something you regret."

As she said this I looked down at my fists and saw them clenched until my knuckles were white. There was a mirror in the corner of the room and I walked up to it and looked at myself. I don't even recognise myself. I had clenched fists and my hair was all over the place. My eyes had anger within them with a little bit of sadness. I didn't recognise the girl in front of me. 

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself. 

"What Poppy, talk to me." Mrs Lynn said.

"I don't recognise myself..." I trailed off. "I'm so angry and...and..." I couldn't find the words. 

"You turn into someone else?" Mrs Lynn said and I looked at her and nodded. 

"Yea..." I whispered. 

"Well now you have calmed down its up to you if you want to leave or stay a bit." She said and I shook my head. 

"I think I should leave." 

"Ok, I will call you about your next appointment soon." She said and I nodded before walking out of the door and back through the hall to the car park where I got into my car where I sat for a moment for finally driving home. 


I watched Poppy explode on the women through the window. She looked so angry. She had clenched fists until her knuckles turned white and her eyes, her eyes were something else. They didn't even look like Poppy. This angry girl didn't look anything like Poppy. Mrs Lynn managed to calm her down but I don't get how because she backed away when Poppy got into her face. How can someone who seems afraid of Poppy, calm her down? I saw Poppy looking in the mirror at herself and I think she started to see what everyone else could see. She shook her head after a moment and that's when I noticed she was coming towards the door. I quickly walked behind a tall plant which was in the hallway and waiting until Poppy wasn't in sight before I walked into the room. 

I walked in and saw Mrs Lynn picking up her book which Poppy had thrown. 

"Oh hello? Can I help you?" She asked when she stood up, noticing me standing there. 

"Err, yea actually." I said as I closed the door gently and stood awkwardly. 

"What is it?" She asked. 

"Errr, I don't know how to say this but what is this place? Like what does it do?" I asked. 

She motioned for me to sit on the sofa Poppy was sitting on a minute ago and she sat down in her armchair once again. 

"This is a therapy place, if you want to say that." 

"What'd you mean therapy? Everyone here is a therapist to someone?" I asked, needing answers. 

"Yes basically. Every therapist has different groups. Like there's, anger, depression, suicidal, anorexic stuff like that. Basically stuff people need help with. Some people come because they feel like they just need to talk to someone, someone who will listen and not judge them. That's just a normal therapist, there's also couple therap-" 

"Ok, I get it. There's a lot. What do you do?" I asked cutting her off short. 

"I'm an anger issue therapist." She said and straight away it clicked. 

Poppy has anger issues, like I thought she did, like I told her she did and she comes to a therapist for it. How bad must it get? 

"Do you help someone call Poppy Lawerance?" I asked and she looked at me confused. 

"Why yes I do." 

"Do you know why she has anger issues? I'm a....friends from school." I said, adding the last bit quickly. 

"You know I cant talk about any of it not with anyone, even if you are a friend I wouldn't know for sure because she doesn't talk much about friends to me. Today she mentioned Penny but other wise I'm clueless on her friends list." 

"Oh, ok thank you anyway. I got to go." I said and got up, as did Mrs Lynn. 

"It was nice meeting you though...." 

"Harry." I finished for her and she nodded. 

I walked out more confused then before I went in. I walked down the hall and back to the car park and to my car that I had hide from Poppy seeing. I drove home with more questions than answers on my mind and I wanted the answers. The only way I knew I could get them was from Poppy herself and I don't know how well that will go right now.

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