Chapter 57 - Dangerously Stunned

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Perrie's POV

It's been almost a week since we saw the flat, the realtor was meeting with Zayn today to give him the keys, and I told him I would just see him after class because I was on a mission to meet up with the girls.

I texted in our group chat and I told them to meet me in the quad during lunch. They all responded with a short 'okay' and that was all I needed.

My heart felt like it was going to tear away from my chest as I approached them. They were all sitting in a small table and you could feel the tension in the air. None of them were talking; they were all staring at their phones.

When I neared them they all stopped and looked at me expectantly. "This is not how we do things Perrie." Jesy was the first to speak.

I nodded, acknowledging the fact that she was right, "I know and I'm sorry I've been so spaced lately..." I began but Jade cut me off.

"You've been so spaced? Or you're chosing to ignoring us because you're afraid of what Zayn will say?" She spat with venom dripping from her voice. She was the angriest out of them three and she was not hiding it.

"We've been best friends for years Perrie, how could you do this to us?" Leigh asked me. That was it, Leigh was always the most understanding out of all of them but she was against me to.

"How could you not give me the benefit of the doubt? I thought that's what friends do?" I asked them, equally angry.

"We did, that's why we didn't press on you for leaving us so early over the holidays. We waited for an explanation." Jesy explained.

"It's been weeks Perrie, none of us has heard a word from you! You could have been dead for all we knew." Jade pressed harder.

"I thought you guys would understand! I had to take care of Zayn!" I yelled and people nearby started to stare but I couldn't care less.

"We did understand, we waited and waited. It shouldn't have taken you weeks to talk to us. We know Zayn needed you more than anything but you shouldn't have shoved us aside." Leigh retorted.

I took a deep breath, I was getting angrier and angrier and there was no use to it. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I really thought you guys were okay with it seeing as you didn't try to pry or anything." I said.

"We didn't try because we gave up. You chose to ignore us and follow Zayn. All we needed from you was an explanation, that's it." Jesy sighed.

"I didn't think I needed to explain myself. I hoped you guys knew me enough to know what was going through my head. I guess I was wrong." I shot back.

"Yeah, I guess we were too." Jade said blankly. "So when are you going to collect your things from our room?" Leigh asked me.

I stared blankly at her, how did she know I was going to move out? "You don't have to say anything anymore. I know you're moving out with Zayn. You should probably tell the DA, so that someone can get off the waiting list and move into your spot." Leigh spat at me.

"I will get my things right now if you're so adamant on making me leave." I said and got up from my seat, I began to walk away when I heard Jade snicker.

"You left us, don't you ever dare say we left you." Was all I heard from her because I had completely turned my back on them.

Zayn was right, we needed a fresh start. I don't even know who these people are. They are not the same people I grew up with. Big changes are coming my way and I'm not sure I'm ready to face them.

Jesy's POV

After our confrontation with Perrie I just ran back to my room. Leigh has been trying to talk to me for the past week but I've been very short with her. She's a liar and I don't want to surround myself with liars.

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