Epilogue - Part 2

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"Eleanor, are you sure about this?" Louis asked his fiancé as they were falling into bed together.

"I am positive Louis, I don't want a huge wedding. I don't want everyone to fuss over it. I can't wait to be Mrs. Tomlinson. I want this as soon as possible." El answered him.

"But haven't you been dreaming about your wedding since you were like 9?" He kept pestering her.

"Yes but that was in the past. I was only a child, I didn't expect my life to turn out this way but I'm glad it did. I've learned so much these past few years and one of them is to live in the moment." She told him.

"I want to marry you as soon as possible, I don't even want to wait another second Lou, please understand that." She added.

"I do understand it El but I just don't want you regretting this decision later down in life. I don't want you to be jealous in the future if we end up attending extravagant weddings and such." He explained to her.

She turned to him and he turned to her, "No one's wedding will be more extravagant, because they won't have you by their side." She said to him softly.

He leaned in and kissed her softly. "I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Tomlinson either." He added and they enveloped themselves into each other.

* * * * *

"Harry...?" Jade asked as she heard the door close. "Yes love it's me. Don't worry." He said as he slipped into bed with her.

"Where were you? I've been waiting for an hour. I was gonna go home." She turned to face him.

"Sorry love, triple checked my test. I really wanted to ace it. It's my last one forever!" He said as he nipped at her neck playfully.

It's been 3 years and Jade and Harry have yet to have sex. Ever since the accident 3 years ago, they've been very careful with each other.

Harry's overprotective but Jade understands as she gets anxious when she doesn't know where he is at times too. They can never be too careful nowadays.

They've decided to take things very slow and just keep enjoying each other's company. They still learn new things about each other everyday.

"Harry... I'm ready." Jade said to him as she pulled him up from her neck. She looked deeply into his green eyes and smiled.

"Baby, are you sure?" Harry asked her as he did that first time she asked him to make love to her.

"I love you with all of my heart, this is the last piece that I have yet to give you. I'm ready and willing if you are." Jade explained to him.

Harry responded by giving her a soft kiss. Jade deepened it with excitement but Harry broke it.

"Please, let me. I want to take this slowly. This moment is important to me, let me take care of you my love." Harry told her, all she could do was nod.

He kissed her again, softer this time and she didn't fight him. They kissed for what seemed like hours but Jade never grew tired of it.

Harry then reached for her tiny waist and moved his lips to her neck. Jade moaned when he hit a sweet spot at her neck.

She felt him smile, he made his way down to her chest. She was just wearing a tank top and Harry was easily able to slide it off her.

He stared at her bare chest like he does on most nights but tonight he had a different look in his eyes. "You are breathtaking Jade." He said as he nuzzled into her chest.

Jade gasped when he started nipping at her. "Sorry, was it too much?" He asked her when she twitched. "No baby, it felt good."

She got the courage to lift him up and remove his shirt. She was still in awe of all the patterns on his chest. His recent one was her favorite though; a small 'J' sat right by his heart.

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