Chapter II

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Fenris pushed through the door of his mansion and stepped to the side for Anders to enter before he closed and locked the door behind them. "Ah, I see you decided to get rid of your corpse friends in the foyer" Anders quipped. "Guests seemed to take offence and the smell was becoming...." Fenris replied dryly.

"Come mage, I am short on furniture that is not broken, we will sit in my chambers." Anders padded along after Fenris as they made their way up the stairs. He stepped to the side of the doorway and gestured for Anders to enter and take a seat.

The fire had died out hours before and left the room a little on the chill side. "I will return in a moment, would you light the fire mage?" Fenris asked. Anders huffed, he didn't much care for being called mage, but it was better then abomination he supposed. "I think I can manage that." he mumbled as Fenris made his way back out the door. A few minutes later Anders had the fire roaring and Fenris reappeared with two bottles of wine. He opened one and handed it to Anders, "I rarely indulge in glasses, I expect you will not object." Anders replied by taking a long pull from the bottle, "Not bad" he said grinning.

Fenris settled into the chair beside him and removed his gauntlets, tossing them aside the chair. "Aggregio Pavali. Danarius used to have me pour it for his guests. My appearance intimidated them he said, which he enjoyed." Anders handed him the bottle, but stayed silent waiting for him to continue.

"I've tried to leave me past behind me, but it won't stay there. Tell me mage, how do you do it?" Fenris asked before raising the bottle to his lips. Anders chuckled, "How do I do what?" he asked. The elf sighed, "Move on, live your life with the ability to make jokes and find happiness? I find no solace." The smile left Anders lips then and he met Fenris' eyes, "I just pretend Fenris. I have demons, they damage me more everyday, but my friends help." Anders replied. Fenris snorted, "I help? Please mage, you don't have to pretend for me."

Anders eyes softened as he reached for Fenris' hand for the second time this evening. Normally he wouldn't think of touching him for fear that his heart would be ripped from his chest. He knew Fenris didn't like be touched, they all did, but again that enticing sound seemed to involuntarily fall from his lips and head to Anders pants. "I would not tell you that if it was not true", Anders said softly.

Fenris handed the bottle back and settled his gaze on the hand resting atop his own. "It is unusual for someone to touch me without causing me pain." he said, "what does it feel like, when I touch you?" Anders asked. "It is.....acceptable" Fenris replied. No one had touched him intentionally since Danarius, except for Hawke clapping a hand to his shoulder when they first met. He had learned quickly to keep his hands to himself and Danarius' touch was not meant to be pleasant.

Anders couldn't help but smile and he tried to hide it around the mouth of the bottle. "Are you proud of yourself mage?" Fenris rumbled as he watched him with those large green eyes. "Well, I can't say I'm opposed to touching you" Anders teased and those eyes grew wide. He handed the bottle back and Fenris took several long pulls, before setting it down beside his chair.

"Perhaps magic may have a use after all. It does not feel like Daranius' magic felt, it is gently, warmer, perhaps because you are a healer....." he trailed off. He closed his eyes to the thought and rubbed them with the pads of his fingers.

Anders left his chair and kneeled in front of Fenris who immediately stiffened. "What are you doing mage?" he huffed, more nervous then upset, Anders decided. He lifted his hand to trace a line of lyrium down his arm, but froze before he touched and looked up at Fenris, "May I?"

Fenris stared down at the mage kneeling at his feet and felt his breath hitch as he took in the sight. He and Anders had always had heated arguments, but they had been changing and tonight was well on it's way to being proof of that. Perhaps it was that they had found some common ground, or maybe he just couldn't resist the sensation that ran through his body at the mages touch. Whatever it was, it made him reply, "You may."

Anders slowly traced a sparking finger down the line he had reached for and drank in the soft moan that escaped Fenris' lips as he relaxed into the chair. "Is that good Fen? Do you like it when I touch you like this?" Anders asked breathily. "Yes." Fenris all but panted back at him. Anders reached for the buckles on Fenris' chest plate and stilled his fingers until Fenris gave him a nod of approval.

Once the armour was out of the way his fingers made their way to the hem of Fenris' tunic and again he waited for the elf to nod before proceeding. Tossing the tunic aside, Anders sat back on his heels to drink in the sight before him. He sighed and said, "you really are beautiful, you know that?" Fenris coughed into his hand, averting his eyes as his face became warm with flush.

Anders reached out with both hands this time and caressed Fenris' chest, chasing all the lines that sang to him. Fenris continued to moan and pant under his touch, he called more sparks to his fingers, tracing the patterns of lines. Fenris gasped and felt heat pool in his groin as he looked down into Anders amber eyes.

"When did you become so lovely mage?" Fenris asked in a hushed tone, dripping with lust. Before Anders could answer, Fenris reached for him and dragged him into his lap. Anders parted his legs to straddle him and wrapped his arms around the elfs neck, eyes locked in a look of passion.

Fenris gazed up at this mage that he'd never thought to see in this light, tentatively he reached up and cupped Anders cheek in his hand. "Mage" he huffed as he pulled Anders down and pressed a kiss to his lips. Anders tongue darted out and ran over Fenris' lips, a small moan escaped him as he opened his mouth in response and deepened the kiss.

He wrapped his arms around Anders waist and pulled the mage closer. By the time the kiss broke they were both breathless and fully aroused. Anders pressed his forehead to the elfs and closed his eyes, he was sure this was all going to turn out to be a drunken naughty dream.

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