Chapter X

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They were up and ready for their trip to the wounded coast, just headed for the door when they heard the knock. Fenris pulled it open and they were greeted by Hawke, grinning lopsidedly, "good mourning lovebirds, are you ready to go?" He asked cheerfully. "Only if you are not planning on being this cheery the whole time." Fenris grumbled and Anders snorted, landing an elbow in his ribs. "Ready when you are, Hawke" he said smiling as they gathered their things and headed out.

It was another warm summer day, the wind blowing just hard enough to rustle the low growing bushes, but not hard enough that they'd have sand in every crevice by the end of the day. Anders muttered to himself as he collected herbs along the edge of the paths, placing them neatly into a bag he had slung over his shoulder. "Eyes on the road, Tal-Vashoth ahead" Varric warned, keeping his voice low. Anders shot upright, grabbed his staff from his back and hopped out of the scrub just in time to see Fenris surge forward.

A battle cry bellowed from his chest, his brands blazing brightly and he swung his sword in a wide arch. He felt the gentle warmth of Anders magic wash over him as his sword tore through soft flesh. A rain of arrows followed by a stun grenade from Varric and a firestorm from Hawke exploded around him. With another powerful swing he took the head off one and a tempest from Anders made fast work of the remaining few.

The chaos subsided and Fenris bent over the bodies, turning pockets inside out, scoffing at the few cooper he found. "Does anyone need healing?" Anders called out, smoothing out his robes and running a hand through his hair. "It wasn't much of a fight, Blondie." Varric quipped with a snort. Anders shrugged and went back to searching for his herbs. "What is it with Kirkwall? We literally, have a never ending supply of fucking bad guys! Really, demons, qunari, carta, invisible sisters, dog lords, blood mages......." He trailed off and made a disgusted noise as they pressed forward.

They were just rounding the next bend when a voice rang out from an overlooking hill, "You are in possession of stolen property. Back away from the slave now and you'll be spared." Varric readied Bianca, "You were saying something about blood mages, Hawke?" He said a little too cheerfully, Hawke grunted in response and Anders stepped in front of Fenris, his skin cracked and blue light washed over the group. "FENRIS IS NO SLAVE! HE IS A FREE MAN!" Justice boomed, flickering as he struggled to maintain control. "I will not repeat myself, back away from the slave now!" the mage barked.

Fenris drew his blade and stepped to Anders side, his own brands now glowing brightly. "I am not your slave!" The elf snarled and charged forward, landing a solid blow to the side of the mages head with the hilt of his sword. He staggered back, hands shooting to the sides of his head and Hawke petrified him in place.

Waves of slavers roared over the hills, screaming war cries that were lost to gurgled sounds of death. Pushing Justice aside at last, Anders cast spell after spell, keeping his companions shielded and laying lightening over their enemies. Hawke alternated between fire and ice, casting the occasional force spell, ensuring the slavers stayed put. Fenris hacked and slashed, leaving scattered limbs in his wake, while Varric danced through the shadows, landing kill shots every time he appeared.

Hawkes spell was just wearing off as the last slaver fell, Anders called a stone fist to his fingers, slamming the mage off his feet. Fenris stalked towards him, looming over the writhing body he shoved his knee down hard into his back, grabbed a handful of hair and forced his head upwards. "Where is he?" He growled, visibly vibrating with anger. "Please don't kill me!" He begged, "Tell me" Fenris spat as he slammed his face into the ground.

"I don't know! I don't know, I swear! Hadriana brought us! She's at the holding caves North of the city! I can show you the way!" he sputtered. "No need! I know which ones you speak of." He met Fenris' stare with pleading eyes, "Then let me go. I beg you! I swear I won't ---" "You chose the wrong master." Fenris cut him off and snapped his neck with one swift motion.

"Hadriana. I was a fool to think I was free! They'll never let me be!" Fenris growled, turning back to look at Anders, face twisted in anger. "Is this someone you know, Fen?" he asked, pointedly keeping his voice soft and measured. "My masters apprentice. I remember her well; a snivelling social climber who would sell her own children if she thought it would please Danarius. If she's here, it's at his bidding! I knew he wouldn't let this go!" Fenris growled, clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides.

Anders reached out and took Fenris' hand between his own, "Then we need to stop them before this goes any further. What was that I heard about a cave?" he tried to keep his voice light, but the thought that slavers were hunting his elf, was difficult to swallow. "The holding caves held slaves in the old days, but apparently are no longer abandoned. We must go quickly, before Hadriana has a chance to prepare...or flee." he replied.

"So? To the cave, to the cave, to the cave cave cave" Hawke sing-songed. Fenris scowled at him before turning on his heel, Anders following close behind as Varric tried to muffled his laughter into his hand. "What?" Hawke said with an over exaggerated shrug, "Was it my timing? Yeah, it was my timing wasn't it?" Varric quirked an eyebrow at him, "You better be careful Hawke, or Fenris might just punch you in the fucking face." he shot back. "How do you---" "I have my sources. Now get your ass in gear, we have slavers to kill!" He said playfully as he hurried to catch Fenris and Anders.

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