Chapter XIX

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Alright, so after Adamant....." Iri started. "The next year was chaotic, one battle after another, uniting Thedas against our common threat. Corypheus was killed at the Temple of Mythal, but in only moments, he rose again. He had discovered the path of effective immortality, similar to an archdemon, his soul would transfer to the closest tainted body. Once inside, Samson was felled, leader of the Red Templars, you would know him as the Templar who Hawke had reinstated not so long ago. They sought the Vir'abelasan, the well of sorrows. A pool containing the memories of all who had given servitude to Mythal."

"Morrigan had been appointed as an advisor from Orlais after an attempt on the Empresses life led to an alliance with the Inquisition. Well, To be fair, I more strong armed her into doing what she was told then allied with her, but leverage is never a hindrance in times of war. Anyway, Morrigan sought to claim the vast knowledge of the well for herself and Abelas, a sentinel of Mythal, was not in a hurry to see that happen. I for one, agreed with him, Morrigan had been plotting a means to her own end since the fifth blight. Against Solas' pleas, the knowledge of the well fell to me, in order to keep it safe from the prying hands of Corypheus."

"It was overwhelming at first, so many voices, echoing through my mind at a deafening volume. But, with time, I was able to decipher what needed to be done. We travelled to the Arbor Wilds and called forth the Guardian of Mythal. The guardian, being a dragon, and we battled until it subsided its attack and submitted to my will. It was then, that Mythal appeared to us, her guardian would come when I summoned it, but only once, giving us the power to battle Corypheus and his dragon. It was quite a thing to watch Morrigan attempt to storm Mythal in anger. It turned out that the witch of the wilds, Morrigans mother, is truly Mythal, though there is far more to that story then meets the eye. It was then that she called on the well, causing myself to involuntarily restrain Morrigan. Solas' warnings proved correct, I was in fact, bound to the Goddess Mythal."

"We had barely returned to Tarasyl'an Te'las, when we'd gathered in the war room to discuss our next move against Corypheus. A great blast erupted, reopening the breech in the sky. We were few in numbers with most of our troops yet to have returned from the Arbor Wilds, but we had no choice, the time for action was upon us. A great battle waged and in his last attempt at besting us, he called on the power of the orb, crying out for the aid of Dumat. Reaching out with the anchor, I ripped the orb from his grasp and used it to tear him apart, while throwing him physically into the fade."

"A surge went through me and I fell to my knees, dropping the orb, only forcing myself to move when the walls started to crumble around me. I found Solas kneeling beside the shattered pieces of the orb. He was mourning. We'd become close during our time working together in the Inquistion, I feel in love with him and he convinced me that I was his heart. He was my constant, he seemed to crave affection, but always held me at arms length. Not long before the final battle, he told me he'd distracted me from my duties, saying he would not do it again."

"I didn't understand. The distance, the abrupt and cruel dismissal, mourning this orb more then he'd cared to mourn me." she sighed. "He told me that whatever happened, what we'd had was real and then he just, disappeared. We returned to Tarasyl'an Tel'as, the people rejoiced, but I was heartbroken and I retired alone to my quarters. That night I woke to a flood of memories, millennia of a life I'd forgotten and excruciating pain. These?" She gestured to her brands. "These were...pleasant, in comparison."

"Touching the unlocked orb started a chain of events that caused the anchor to, overload in a sense. In doing so, it consumed the bindings Danarius had in place and my own magic came surging back, recognizing the power of the anchor. Our magic has a sort of built in mechanism that allows it to act defensively, to a certain degree, on our behaves. For instance, if I am injured, I begin to heal the instant it happens, even if I am rendered unconscious."

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