Chapter XXIX

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As promised, Iri dragged Fenris out of bed, long before the sun breathed its first breath of the new day. Anders rose as well, making his way downstairs to help Fenris pack what food items they would need for their journey. They'd finished and taken up station by the door, waiting for Iri to finish her own preparations. "Do you think the two of you will be home tonight?" Anders asked, leaning against the wall. "I am uncertain, it would likely be best to ask Lotheriel." he replied. "It could go either way, depending on the keeper." Iri commented as she descended the stairs. She crossed the room to join them, adjusting her clothing as she went. "What?" she asked, puzzled, when she noticed them staring, wide eyed.

"Vhenan!" Fenris exclaimed, all other words lost as he took in the sight of her. She was wearing a white silk dress, strapless and form fitting on top, opening up into a flowing, knee length skirt. The bodice, embroidered with silver thread, made her sparkle, like the stars themselves. She had on silk foot wraps as well, they were unique in the way they left most of her foot bare, twisting around her calves and looping over her centre toes. Her hair reminded him of that of a goddess, embellished with blue hydrangea flowers, tediously woven into her intricate braids. His eyes settled on the pendant around her neck, a silver wolf, with large green eyes. He stepped in front of her, gently lifting it from her chest and firmly closing his hand around it.

His eyes closed and he sucked in a deep breath. Iri wrapped her arms around his waist and he opened them, shimmering with tears, unshed. "It is the one thing he allowed me, I could not say why. I held it dear, even when I did not know what it meant." she said softly, hand moving to cup his cheek. "I am pleased, that it remains in it's place." he replied, tone equally as soft as he let the pendent fall and pulled her into a kiss. "You really do look breathtaking, Iri." Anders said, when they parted. Her smile was like a ray of sunlight as she stepped in front of him, taking his hands in hers. "Thank you, Anders. We will return tomorrow evening, at the latest, do be safe while we are away."

He huffed a laugh, pulling her into a hug and placing a soft kiss to her forehead. She lifted her chin and found his lips, a grin tugging as he returned the gesture. The slight flutter of excitement in his chest made him think of just how fond he was becoming of this beautiful creature. "And you, take care of Fen." he teased, pulling a snort from his elf. "Very amusing, Amatus, perhaps you might consider a change of employment." he quipped back. Iri moved to grab her pack and Fenris took up her place, stealing a kiss for himself. He smiled affectionately as he stepped back, scooping up his own pack. "Alright, until we meet again." her tone mischievous as she reached for the doorknob. Her other hand playfully pinched Anders hip, pulling a squeak from him as he jerked at the unexpected contact. He shot her a mock glare, but his poorly hidden smirk ruinied the attempt.

She pulled open the door and before anyone could flinch, Varric came barging in. "Iri, you better be about to tell me, that this is the most elaborate prank, you've ever pulled on a dwarf! I cried, Iri! Cried, for shit sake! That could ruin my reputation! Why would you leave Hawke in the fade?" He babbled away, pushing further inside, agitatedly pacing in nonsensical patterns. Iri watched, amused for a moment, "Varric, have you slept since I gave you those books?" she inquired. "Yes...some...not much, if I'm being honest, but that's irrelevant! Just tell me, your kidding right? Your ghost writer does do impeccable work though, if I do say so myself." He didn't quite believe, what he was trying very hard to convince himself of.

Iri shook her head, "Varric, you asked me for the story, I gave it to you. In your own words, even. Now, I apologize, but we have somewhere to be and we were just on our way out." Varric looked them over, making note that they were fully dressed and packed for a trip. "We're working on your next book." she added, sending an exaggerated wink in his direction. A deep chested laugh left him, the sound of a man too long in the waking. "Alright, alright, but when you get back, you owe me some answers." he stated, hands on his hips, one eyebrow quirked. Iri chuckled, "Fair enough." she replied, making her way back to the door, the three men in tow. Bidding a final farewell to Anders, they set out to meet with Merrill and Tamlen. Varric grumbled, more to himself than anyone else until they parted ways at the Hanged Man.

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