Chapter IV

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Fenris stood back and removed his leggings, his hand found its way back into Anders hair and he pulled the mage forward to his cock. Anders made a humming sound as he took Fenris into his mouth, tracing circles around his knob. Fenris' head fell back and he groaned deeply as his cock slide slowly down Anders throat. Anders picked up the pace and cupped the elfs balls in his hand, causing a breathy moan to escape him. His finger traced over his ass and thighs dancing with sparks. As the elf lost himself in ecstasy his brands lit and Anders froze.

Anders pulled back quickly letting Fenris' cock slide out of his mouth and pressed his fingers to his forehead. Justice had been clambering around in his head all evening and now the spirit was itching, desperate to be closer to the singing flesh. Fenris glowed brighter and kneeled done taking Anders chin in his hand. "What is it mage?" He asked in a gentle tone as the lyrium flickered and went quiet.

Anders lifted his head and looked at Fenris, catching the slight rise of his brow at the blue eyes he found staring back at his. Fenris had encountered Justice twice before, once with Karl and again when he turned on a mage they had saved. Fenris remembered talking him down that day, even then he had known his mage would not have forgiven himself.

He cupped his jaw rubbing gentle circles on his cheek until the blue faded and Anders sighed. He leaned into his hand and whispered, "It's to him." He turned his face and pressed a kiss into Fenris' palm, his tongue traced a lyrium line and his eyes flashed blue again. Fenris raised his eyebrows and sucked in a breath, "I assure you mage, I do not sing" he murmured.

Anders sighed and met his eyes, "He's pushing, hard! He wants to be close to the lyrium, he says it sings and tastes like home. When you got all glowy, I almost lost control...I'm not sure I can hold him back." Fenris stood and sprawled across the bed, he reached out and dragged his mage to him, pressing there bodies close. Nuzzling Anders neck, between soft kisses he said, "then perhaps we should get me closer to him."

And that was not the answer Anders had expected, Fenris had always be disgusted by the possibility that mages might loose control. As Fenris adjusted him to his back and settled between his legs the thought was pushed aside. Fenris leaned over Anders and grabbed a bottle of grease from the bedside drawer. Settling back, his eyes wandered over Anders body, trying to commit every inch to memory.

He set the bottle to the side and leaned forward, hands running up the taunt muscles of Anders belly. His tongue circled his nipple and his nipped at it before claiming Anders mouth. The kiss grew hungry and fierce as he parted his mages lips with his tongue and swallowed his moans. Grinding against Anders before breaking the kiss and sitting up again.

He reached for the oil and poured a small amount into his palm, he stroked his cock before shifting his hand to the crease of his mages ass. Anders breathe caught as Fenris ran his fingers over the tight ring of muscle that circled his entrance. Anders relaxed into his touch and he slipped a finger in his mages tight hole. "Oh yes, fen...m...more" he begged as Fenris moved his finger in a melodic motion. He added another finger, moving in circles, pulling another delicious sound from the gorgeous creature sprawled wide for him.

"Is this what you want mage?" He asked as he lined up the head of his cock up with Anders slick hole. "Is this what Justice wants?" he continued, rolling his hips slightly, easily sliding the head of his cock inside Anders warm flesh. His head tipped back and he pushed into his mage until his cock was fully sheathed. Anders writhed beneath him and his hands grasped desperately at the sheets, gripping them until his knuckles were white.

Fenris leaned over his mage pressing his forehead to his, heated sounds of passion fell from Anders lips and the elf let out a low growl. Anders hands went to Fenris' back and gripped hard enough to bruise, "Yes, fuck me Fenris, harder please." Fenris chuckled down at him, "You want me to fuck you hard? You like my cock buried in your lovely ass, mage?" His rhythm stuttered for a moment before he picked up the pace.

He placed his hands on the back of Anders thighs and pushed forward, further opening his mage to him. Silky sounds of pleasure left his mouth as he quickened the pace and his mage continued to babble incoherently, "Yes....fen....that....please!" He could tell Anders was close by the way his ass clenched around his cock and his breathes became shallow and panting.

Fenris slammed into his mage feeling his own pressure build as his balls tightened. He slid his hands under Anders shoulders and gripped him tightly pulling his mage to him with ever thrust. They were coming undone, lost in one another and Fenris' brands lit once more. He looked at Anders to see blue appear around his eyes as he writhed underneath him.

Fenris smirked around his own, now desperate sounds of pleasure and rutted faster, "Fen...yes...Fen" he stuttered between the thrusts pounding into his ass. Fenris couldn't remember every feeling so free and he looked into those fade blue eyes and said, "Cum for me mage." Justice was humming with pleasure at the forefront of his mind and every inch of his body was vibrating.

Fenris reached between them and stroked Anders aching cock in time with his thrusts. Anders rolled his hips to meet Fenris' every motion until he spilled hot cum over his hand. Fenris quickly followed over the edge, emptying hiself deep inside his mage. He collapsed on top of Anders, the blue faded from the edge of his eyes and a breathy sound rolled off his lips. "Mage" Fenris murmured into his shoulder. And that tone was new, no longer did that word come out like a spit curse. It was dripping with affection and Anders wrapped his arms around Fenris and held him tight as they regained there wits.

Fenris pressed a soft kiss behind Anders ear and sighed, "Festis bei umo canavarum, Amatus." And maker Anders didn't know what that meant, but the silky words in that impossibly sexy voice sent a shiver through his entire body. Fenris chuckled at the reaction and slowly pulled his cock out of Anders, rolling to the side he stretching out beside him.

Anders hummed happily and rolled to face Fenris, "I should go...", he met Fenris' eye, more of a question then a statement. Fenris reached for his mage and pulled him into a gentle kiss. Leaning back he looked into Anders eyes and squeezed, holding him tight to his chest. The sound rumbled through his chest as he spoke, "stay mage" he said, wrapping his leg around Anders in an attempt to increase the contact of skin.

Anders rather liked being held in Fenris' strong arms, still lost in the ecstasy of their exchange. Fenris was warm and the circle of his arms was comforting. He pressed a kiss to his neck and the elf hummed as he buried his face into him and drifted off to blissful sleep.

Festis bei umo canavarum - You will be the death of me

Amatus - a term of endearment (beloved)

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