Chapter XXXIV

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Orana had a full breakfast ready and waiting for them when they gathered in the dining room the next morning. Justice sat at the end of the table, awaiting their arrival, a smug smirk plastered on his face. "Eventful evening, was it?" he quipped, shoving a piece of honey roll into his mouth. Iri snickered, taking the seat next to him, "Mind your manners, Justice." Fenris warned, snatching a slice of ham from the centre of the table. The newly constructed elf laughed, shrugging his shoulders, "Do you intend to teach me a lesson, Pride? I suppose I could stand to brush up on my skills." he continued in a condescending tone. Iri glanced around at them, taking note of the pink washing Anders cheeks and the way Justice could still pull Fenris' strings like a puppet master.

She reached for his hand when he started to growl, pulling him into the seat next to her. "Justice, that is enough." she said firmly, shooting him a look the spelled murder. "Alright, alright!" he held his hands up for a moment before going back to his breakfast. "I am going to pay Merrill a visit today, ma'fen, would you like to accompany me?" she asked, pouring a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Fenris finished chewing, swallowing before speaking, "I would." he replied simply, a smile tugging at his lips, pleased by her invitation. "I would like to come." Justice piped up. "This is not an errand for a child." Fenris spat, the irritation of Justice's earlier comment not quite warn off. "I am not a child, I resent that you would say so, Pride." he grumbled.

Iri looked between the two men, glaring icy daggers at one another. "That is enough, both of you! Justice, you will refer to Pride as Fenris and you will maintain respectability. Do not speak unless asked to, do you understand?" Fenris huffed at her allowance for him to join them, mostly because he desired time alone with his heart. "As you wish, Devo--Iri." he responded around an exaggerated pout. "What about you, Anders?" she asked, turning her attention to him. "I'd love to, but I need to check in at the clinic, duty calls." he replied, to which she nodded in response, turning back to her meal.

Once they'd finished, they cleared the table, extending thanks to Orana. Shortly there after, they accompanied Anders to his clinic in Darktown, before steering towards the alienage. Iri noticed that the presence of Templars throughout the city had increased, a curious thing the day after she'd spoken to Cullen. She wondered for a moment if she'd brought undo attention upon him, but as far as she knew, she'd not been seen. It was simply a matter of events falling into place. "It appears that today will prove eventful before it sees its end." she whispered to Fenris with a subtle nod in the Templars direction. He'd noticed them too and he was not about to hesitate if they approached. He shifted his position, placing himself between her and them, just a precaution as they seemed unprepared to engage at this point. The majority of the elves were gathered around the Vhenedahl when they desended the stairs. Merrill caught sight of them almost immediately, "Iri, Fenris. Who is your friend." Justice held out his hand, pulling a surprised sound from her when he shook a little to firmly. "Hello, Merrill. It is I, Justice." he greeted. Merrill blinked at him, "Justice? As in Anders...." she trailed off, eyes intently studying the elf standing before her. "That is correct." he replied.

Fascination crossed her face as she tried to process, it was an extraordinary thing to see. "Merrill." Iri demanded her attention, she shook the thoughts from her head and refocused. "What of the people here? Did any of them choose to join us?" she inquired. A bright smile came to Merrill's lips, "All of them." she said excitedly, holding her head high with pride. "All of them." Fenris repeated, "Yes, all of them." she confirmed. "Well done, Merrill." Iri commended, moving forward and motioning for them to follow. She pushed open the door of Merrill's tiny home, closing it securely when the last of the four entered.

"Are they prepared to leave?" she wondered. "Almost, we will be fully ready by midday." Merrill responded. "Good, I would like you to leave tonight, under the cover of darkness. Return to the clan, tell Marethari, I shall arrive in two days time." she pressed a small folded up piece of paper into Merrill's hand, "This is a cloaking spell, it is rather simple, I expect you will have no trouble. Take heed of it, it may well be the only way out in such numbers. I suspect by the time you are ready, no issues will present themselves, but still, be cautious." Merrill nodded at her, eyes wide, looking a little unsure, but none the less, accepting of her task.

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