Chapter V

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The next morning Anders woke to the scent of leather and sweat, his head resting on Fenris' chest, the elf wrapped around him. He shifted his head to the crook of his neck and placed a soft kiss behind his ear. Breathing in deeply, he washed healing magic over them to clear up any bits of last nights events and Fenris hummed at the sensation, tightening his grip.

His elfs eyes fluttered open and his lips turned up in a sleepy smile. Anders closed his eyes and felt panic wash over him as his body stiffened, he didn't want this to end. Fenris chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to Anders forehead, "Calm yourself Amatus, it is just us." Anders sighed heavily and pushed his worry aside, melting into his elfs arms.

Fenris was warm and solid, he provided a comfort Anders hadn't felt in years. It tugged at something inside him and he was flooded with emotion. He buried his face in Fenris' chest, "When did this happen?" he asked as he stiffled his giggle into his elfs chest and shook his head. Fenris huffed, "I suspect that it has been happening for quite some time, mage."

Anders fingers trailed patterns over Fenris' chest and belly, wondering how he hadn't seen this coming. He and Fenris had both been slaves in their own regards, used as others had seen fit. It was the thing that bothered him most when they argued, if anyone would have understood, it should have been Fenris. And that wasn't fair, Anders knew it, Fenris knew what it was to suffer, just as he did.

"Do you think we could find happiness?Together?" He whispered into Fenris' skin. Long fingers ran through Anders hair and his chest rumbled when he hummed thoughtfully. "I am afraid that I have not had much experience with happiness, none that I am able to remember at least. But, I would be willing to look for it, with you by my side." Anders cupped Fenris' cheek and pressed a lingering kiss to his lips, his breath catching while his heart thumped in his chest.

Fenris untangled himself from his mage and sat up, feet slapping softly when they met the floor. He stood and retrieved his leggings from beside the bed, he pulled them on and tied the laces. "Feeeennn, come back." Anders whined, arms reaching out and grasping at the air. Fenris smirked as he shrugged on his tunic and made to grab his sword.

Anders flopped back in the bed and stuck his lip out even further, "And now your wearing too many clothes...." he grumbled. Fenris chuckled and shook his head, "Fool mage. Stay here, I will return shortly." he said affectionately. Anders stuck out his tongue and wrinkled his nose, pulling the covers tighter to his chin.

Fenris ruffled Anders hair before heading for the door, but he paused in the doorway and turned to face his mage. "I am certain you will survive without me for a short period of time, Amatus. And I assure you, the next time we are without clothing, will be just as delicious as the last." Anders groaned and his whole body shuddered violently. A smug grin pulled at Fenris' lips as he shoved off the doorframe to make his way to the market.

He made quick work of collecting the items he'd intended on buying, maintaining politeness, but not engaging more then was necessary. His mind kept wandering back to his gorgeous mage, waiting for him in his bed, naked. His cock twitched at the images that flashed through his mind and a lopsided grin tugged at his lips. "Mages", he muttered fondly, picking up the pace as he made his way back to the estate.

He kicked the door shut behind him and headed into the foyer, the soft padding of Anders feet echoed through the room and he appeared on the balcony. Fenris smiled up at him as he climbed the stairs, two at a time. Anders tried to peek into the bags as Fenris reached him, but his elf was light on his feet and easily out maneuvered him. "Heeeeeyy" he whined, "Let me see Fen, what did you get?"

He dropped one of the bags down on a chair and shot Anders an amused grin, before leaving the room and entering another just down the hall. Anders scooped up the bag he had left unattended and hopped onto the bed. Fenris returned with a tea pot in hand, he snorted causing Anders lift his head and catch his eye inquisitively. "You look like a little one on name day.", his tone soft and affectionate.

Anders beamed at him, "you know Fen, I really do love surprises!" Fenris revelled in the joy that lit Anders face, his mage likely hadn't had many surprises in his life and he rather liked pleasing him. "Can I open it?" Anders asked excitedly, "Of course" Fenris replied with a chuckle. Crossing the room he placed the tea pot on the side table and settled down on the edge of the bed.

He watched as Anders pulled the containers from the bag and spread them across the bed in front of him. These were all his favourites, sweet rolls and tarts, smoked meats and fancy cheeses, a jar of thick stew. Fresh apples and figs, roasted chicken stuffed with herbs and an assortment of frilly little cakes. This was more food then he had seen in weeks.

Anders reached back into the bag and pulled out the last package, turning it over in his hands, his mouth dropped open. It was tea, but this was ferelden tea, the kind his mother used to drink, one of the only things that triggered memories of times that could be considered 'home'." He remembered telling Varric about it one time when he had asked about his childhood during a trip to the wounded coast. He hadn't even realized Fenris had heard, let alone cared enough to remember, not just that, but all the things he loved.

He felt his eyes sting as he blinked back the tears that were threatening to pour down his cheeks. He looked into Fenris' big green eyes and said, "You my love, are amazing." And that was it, he'd fucked this up, dropped the 'L' word, it would end before it even began. Fenris just stared at him dreamily and said, "I enjoy giving you things." He sighed and gazed fondly at his elf, reeling in his emotions, he smiled a smile the reached his eyes.

Sitting back, eyes sparkling with wonder, Fenris gestured to the food and said, "Eat." Anders giggled and reached to grab a sweet roll, he stuffed it in his mouth and picked up the tea pot from the bedside table. He dropped a handful of leaves into the pot and summoned magic to his fingers to heat the water. Fenris crossed the room and shuffled through a cupboard, returning with two mugs. Anders filled the two cups and set the tea pot down, before taking one for himself.

He pulled the roll out of his mouth taking another large bite before raising the cup to his lips, inhaling deeply, he took a sip. Anders purred around the cup as the warm liquid filled him with feelings from easier times. Fenris revelled in the sight of his mage taking simple pleasure, Anders always put everyone else before himself, often to the point of neglect. Fenris plucked an apple tart from one of the containers and watched Anders as he hummed contentedly, continuing to sample the food spread in front of him between sips of tea.

Time passed and Fenris continued to just watch Anders, still stuffing his face with the many options his elf had provided him with. Once he had no more room for food he stretched out on his side, "Maker, I can't remember being so full" he said, a cheeky grin settling on his lips. Fenris chuckled and stood, "I'll be right back", he said before exiting the room.

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