Letter 1

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Hello, This is my first fanfiction.

All of this is fictional, which means nothing of what I write ever happened in real life. Harry will not be famous in this story. The other One Direction members won't be a part of this neither. 

This is all about a boy called Harry Styles. 

PS. This is a very sad story, if you don't feel comfortable reading those kind of stories, then I would not suggest you to read this one. 


I would also kindly ask you not to promote your story in the comments section, feel free to write on my wall or send me a privare message if you want me to check out your book but don't promote it in the comments! 

thank you very much have fun reading it, 

and do not worry, the beginning is always quite shitty written and not as good as the rest of the book, give it a chance ;) 

xx olivia

Dear Daisy,

You may be dead in everyone else's eyes, but in mine you've never been more alive. Just because I can't see nor feel you doesn't mean I can't love you anymore. I still talk to you everyday. Sometimes I smile at you, yesterday for example. When I woke up, you wore this amazing dress we once bought for the diner party we never went to. You looked so beautiful, as usual. I even took a picture, but I can't find you in it. I'm sure you were there though. It seems like years ago, but it's only been two weeks when we were at your parents house. Remember when we said we'd visit them on christmas, I called yesterday and your mother picked up. She cried so much, I didn't understand what she was saying.

I told her we'd come at 12 on the 25th. But she said you were dead. She's wrong. You're in a better place now, you still visit me everyday and I'm glad that you didn't forget me. Anyway, your mother is very sad about the accident. She still cries, I think I'll visit them tomorrow to assure them that you're alright. Maybe you should visit them as well, just to tell her that it's not worth the tears, since you're still here. She also said that I was crazy, it doesn't bother me, she always called me crazy but this time she just seemed to mean it. Maybe it's because she's old, she can't see you anymore. But don't worry Daisy, one day she'll understand us. One day all of them will understand what we're going through. I know it's hard but we can make it if we try.

We won't give up, not now. Everything is so perfect. I wish I could hold you, I miss smelling you. I sound crazy actually. There are times where you're clear right in front of my eyes, but as soon as I try to touch you or talk to you, you're gone. The doctor said you didn't make it. You didn't make it to my arms, which doesn't mean you can't make it at all. You're somewhere out there, I'm sure. People need to stop calling you dead, it kind of bothers me. You're my love, I don't want you to be called dead. Dead means away, away for forever. You'll come back, won't you, Daisy?

I made lasagna for lunch, I left you a plate in the kitchen, in case you're hungry when you come home. If you'd like we can watch Breakfast at Tiffany's, I know it's your favorite movie of all time. That's why I bought another copy, although we already have about 10.

Your dad told me he needs my help at planning the funeral. I was so stunned by his words. I would never even think about planning your funeral. You're still with us, why am I the only one who sees this? Don't you talk to the others as well, Daisy? I'm sure if you'd do they would understand me. It's hard for me, people think I'm brainless, they let me look like I'm a complete idiot, but I'm not. You know that, don't you Daisy?

This morning my phone didn't stop ringing, I always checked the caller ID, in hope it'd be you. But instead I saw "Mum" "Jake" and other useless people. I want you, no one else. I can't wait for you to come back, we'll go watch this movie in the cinema, the one you wanted to watch so badly. We still have to plan our wedding since the wedding is in June. I really can't wait to see you in your white dress in front of me, saying the words I wanted to hear for so long. It will be an amazing day, one day when we'll have kids, we'll tell them all the stories. What we did back in the days and certain memories, scenes that play again and again in our heads or songs we listed to. All these things, I never heard from my parents, our kids we'll have the best parents. I think we'd be a great team. Won't we Daisy?

I love you, Daisy

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