The Assigned Ones

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The wolf slept in her lap, and after a few hours of freaking out, Viola got used to him. She then decided to name him. But what would be a good name for an extinct animal that was sitting in her lap? She didn't have enough time to think about this, for the Sateron had just stopped at the station. She looked at the wolf in her lap, and didn't want to leave him here. So she pet the wolf, and he awoke, on full alert, as if he were protecting her from danger.

Viola smiled. Then she realized that chances are the Head Officials probably had forbidden extinct wolfs from the Sateron's, and that if someone saw him they'd both be in deep trouble. And that was the last thing she needed. Viola looked at the wolf, whom was still on guard, and smiled. She pet him and picked up her bag.

She walked out of the seating spot she'd sat in, half hoping the wolf would follow her, half hoping it wouldn't. She then heard the tack-tack Of the wolf's long nails on the tile floor behind her. He had soon caught up with her, and was trotting at her side.

Viola then noticed that there was an Official walking towards her, and realized just how hard it was to miss her new pet, with his white fur against the black tile. The Official looked right at Viola, but didn't seem to notice the wolf.

"Am I the only one who can see him? That's good luck for me." She thought to herself. They then got off the Sateron and were out of the station within 15 minutes. She then got into the aircraft waiting for her outside. The aircraft would take her straight to the academy, which would take 3 more hours. She then could think of a name for her loyal, invisible pet.

"Well, I don't want just any old name..." She thought. "I want something to match his nature. Maybe.... Mick?" She whispered the name to the dog. He didn't even look up.

"What about... Boris?" She whispered this name, and the dog looked up and scooted closer to her.

"Well Boris, we have a lot ahead of us. I'm glad to have you for a friend." She whispered. The aircraft soon hit the wind line, making it rock back and forth. Viola and Boris soon fell asleep again.


"Hey, are you getting off, or what?" A gruff voice awoke Viola, and she realized that they were finally at the academy. She thanked the pilot and got off, Boris following her. She sighed.

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