Chapter 7

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Viola and Jack looked at the two large oak doors. Viola wondered if she could consider Jack her friend.

Jack opened the door, letting her in first. The door creaked as Viola walked through it.

Boris's P.O.V.

"That stupid rat...." He muttered under his voice, speaking the tongue of the familiars. Candy seemed to hear this, for she snarled at him. He snarled back, baring his teeth. He didn't like Candy. Or Jack.

He watched as Viola walked through the doors in her sky blue dress. He knew he had to protect her, but he didn't know from what.

This scared him most, because he didn't know their strength, their speed. Their adrenaline level.

Adrenaline isn't something to mess around with. It is what was once the familiars' masters' adrenaline, then it was filtered into the familiar, making them stronger and faster, and having the ability to shape shift. The more adrenaline the familiar had, the stronger.

He hoped that Candy didn't have a high adrenaline level.



Yet again, short. But now that we know Boris' P.O.V., what will happen if Viola finds out? Keep reading to find out. ^~^. -AliceInvidie-

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