Chapter One - Niall meets Maggie

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“Louis, we’ve to go!”, Niall said. “Harry, Liam and Zayn are waiting for us!” Finally Louis came out of the bathroom and grinned at Niall.

“Thanks for waiting. Why are you so stressed? We’ve time.” He stopped and smiled at him. “Do you have an plans after the signing?”

Niall shook his head. “No, but I’m excited. This is the first time I’ve been to Austria.” He smiled. “First I thought we’d go to Australia.”

“Yeah, me too”, Louis said while they ran down the stairs. “Sorry guys”, he said with a amile at his best friends - Zayn Malik, Harry Styles and Liam Payne.

"No prob”, Harry amswered woth his deep voice. He opened the door of the car and the others crawled in.

“Anyone of you ever been her?”, Zayn asked and looked out of the window. Vienna was the capital of Austria but they didn’t go there. They were in Salzburg where a lot of mountains were. Austrians had some famous skiers.

“No”, the other boys replied.

“But it’s beautiful here”, Niall said with a soft smile.

“We’re almost there!”, Liam shouted and became hyped. “I am sooo excited!”

Zayn, Louis, Harry and Niall laughed but the were obviously as nervous as Liam. The car stopped. “Wave and smile, boys, wave and smile”, Harry said before he crawled out the car.

With big smiles in their faces they left the car and looked at the crying and screaming (and fangirling) girls. “We love you” - “We only go ONE DIRECTION” - “Zayn, Harry, Loui, Niall, Liam <3” were some phrases on their posters. The girls spoke a diferent language so the boys didn’t know what the were talking about. But they had red cheeks and cried so the noys decided to do nothing then smiling and waving. They entered the mall and with Harry at their front they went to a table with five seats, where they sat down. The fangirling girls stood infront of them. And so guys put the boys a microphone on. Then they told 1D to begin.

“Hi girls!”, Zayn spoke into his microphone with a smile on his face and the girls started fangirling even more.

“Let’s start!”, Liam completed.

“Thanks” - “Oh my God!” - “OMG” - “They really are!” and “Will you marry me?” were the most used sentences.

“What’s your name?”, Niall started to ask after a while. “Maggie.” The girl seemed very nervous and spoke quiet, so Niall looked up right into her face and then he blushed the same moment she did. “What was your name again?”

“Maggie”, she replied a bit louder. She couldn’t stop looking into his eyes and so he couldn’t. Liam, who sat next to him, whispered “Niall, are you okay?” He looked at his face, then he looked at Maggie. “Niall, what’s up?”

Niall looled at Liam. “Huh?”

“Won’t you sign it for her?”, he asked and pointed at Maggie. The blond irish boy nodded and signed and gave it to her but she couldn’t move away. “Thanks”, was the only thing she was able to say. Another girl bumped her and she was gone. Niall tried to forget her face during the signing but he was still thinking about her.

“How was One Direction?” Maggie wasn’t able to say anything. She looked at the sign. Niall’s sign. “Maggie?”


“How was One Direction?” Maggie grinned.”Amazing! They look so good and they were so nice and handsome but I just saw them for a few seconds - you know, I wasn’t the only Directioner.” Her sister smiled. “Did you talk to anyone of them?”

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