Chapter Twenty-Seven - False Friends

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Jenna stood up as the alarm ringed as loud as possible. Moaning she tried to switch it off but she didn't manage it so she opened her eyes and the sunshine, which came through the half opened window, dazzled her so she had to squint them. Her alarm still rang so she tried to reach for it again - and she got it with the top of her fingers and it fell to the ground. Good morning. She finally managed to open her eyes (a bit) and switched off the alarm clock. It was half past six. She stood up, took a towel, her school uniform and jumped in the shower. While the water ran down her skin she thought about Maggie, Harry and Niall. Niall was very protective and Harry and Maggie were good friends. She didn't mind that they were because she knew Maggie loved Niall and she trusted Harry even she wasn't there.

She went out of the shower and dried herself but the clothes still sticked a bit on her body. She dried her hair again - no way she would risk such [volumenvoll] hair. Curls would be nice and she thought about Harry again - she really missed him. Without recognizing she packed her schoolbag, ate something for breakfast and left home.

he way to her school took around fourty-five minutes that's why she had to stand up so early. Sue was on the bus and started to talk: "How are you? I hate it that school starts today again... But it is our last year - can you believe it's our last year? Everything's cool." She smiled. "And you're our Celebrity! That's so cool!"

Jenna grinned. "Yeah, I know! But I don't wanna be asked about Harry. If Jason would ask you to go out with him would you like to tell everyone in school about that?"

"Shut up!", Sue laughed. Jenna was the only one who knew she fancied Jason, a boy they knew since kindergarten. "And no, I wouldn't, but J isn't Harry."

"Since when are you and Jason so close? Only his friends call him J!" Jenna laughed and looked out of the window, the moment they passed a bus station where a huge poster of Harry was. She sighed. It was hard not to miss him when he was everywhere around.

"Jenna, is it true?!"

Jenna turned to face a girl she really hated - and a girl that hated her the same way. It was somehow a cliché but they were best friends in primary school, later she turned out to be a stupid bitch who loved to talk about Jenna behind her back. Then she met Sue and they became friends, then best friends.

"What is true, Emma?"

"That you're Harry Styles' girlfriend! I can't believe it - congrats!"

Confused she looked at Emma - why was she so friendly? She expected her to be unfriendlier than ever. "Yeah, why?"

"You're so lucky! How did you meet him? Could he follow me on twitter?"

"I don't think so...", Jenna said and smiled excusatory. "He's in Finland right now so I can't tell him to follow you. I'm really sorry."

"Never mind. When will he come back to London?"

"In two days", Jenna smiled excited.

"Is he a good kisser?", another girl asked. Jenna didn't even know her! "Who are you?", she asked.

"I'm Emily from neighbour's school. I'm the only one from my school who drives with this bus."

"I see."

"So, is he a good kisser?", Emily asked again.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I wanna tell you..."

"Just because you're dating Harry Styles doesn't mean you're the queen. So tell us!", Emma claimed.

"If you talk to me like this I won't tell you anything. We need our privacy. It's none of your buisness." The bus stopped at school and Jenna left with Sue.

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