Chapter Six - Disappointment

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“Wanna escort us to our hotel?”, Zayn asked. 

“Damn”, Maddie sighed. “I’m really thankful for your offer, but I’ve a date with my boyfriend now. Do you make a secret concert here? I could come!” 

“Not everything’s a secret”, Zayn smiled and mad a step at her. “No, we’re not making a concert here, we just stay here for one day so we can drive on tomorrow to Bradford.”

“To see your family?”, she asked.

“How do you know?”, Louis wondered.

“I just guessed. I know that Zayn is from Bradford. But now I really gotta go. I wish I could meet you guys again.” 

Zayn looked at Niall and Harry. “I’ll just do it like the two of them. Give me your mobile phone, I’ll give you the number of our hotel room. I asked before so I know it. You have time ‘til ten o’clock tomorrow to call m- us.” 

Unbelieving she gave him her phone. “I guess my boyfriend will understand that I come too late because of One Direction!”, she smiled.

“Hope so. I don’t wanna ruin a relationship.” Was it just imagination or could everyone - except Maddie - hear his tongue-in-cheek? He entered the number in her phone, checked it and gave it back to her. “I’m looking forward to your call”, he smiled. 

Maddie blushed and pouched her phone into her handbag. “Wow, this is an amazayn day! Pity I already have to go but I will call you guys! Bye!” She was already running away.

“Did she say ‘amazayn’?”, Jenna asked Maggie, who nodded with a smile.

“Let’s go to our hotel”, Zayn said and HIS smile was gone. 

“What’s up?”, Louis asked.

“She has a boyfriend. That’s up.” He sounded a bit angry, maybe also desperate and sighed. “Probably I have a chance but what price for? And if I get her I had to leave her again. She should be better with her boyfriend, but her face catched me. It was… I never felt something like this before just by seeing a girl…” 

Harry smiled. “Now you know how Niall and I felt about Maggie and Jenna.” God forsaken the two girls didn’t hear him. They were talking to each other, not about Maddie anymore. It was about Niall. “I think… Niall tried to kiss me, but I’m not sure.” She had told her everything about her and Niall and Jenna would tell her everything what happened between her and Harry. 

“Oh really?”, she asked, happy for Maggie.

“Yeah, he whispered ‘Now or never’, lent forward and then…” 

“And theeeeeeen…?” Jenna drew the word into a question. 

“Maddie saw him and shouted ‘OMG, this is Niall Horan!’.” She sighed. “I thought he would've done it. He seemed to be ready but she just came between.” 

“Aww, poor girl. But don’t you worry. I bet he’ll do it still today.” 

“And I bet Harry kisses you before Niall kisses me. I wish Niall wasn’t that shy”, she sighed but then she smiled and her cheeks turned red again. “But it makes him so cute!” 

“Aww, you’d be such a sweet couple!” 

“I still can’t believe it…!”, she whispered and touched her hot cheeks. 

“What can’t you believe?” Niall had suddenly appeared behind her. She became shocked but then she smiled. His face took her breath away and when she could breathe she wasn’t able to lie to him. “That I am here with you is… the best thing that had ever happened to my life.” 

They both blushed and smiled at each other. Then they entered their suite. maggie hadn’t recognized that they were already in the hotel. “I’ll unpack my stuff!”, she added and ran to her bedroom. Jenna, who shared the room with her, followed. Maggies sighed and sat down at one of the bed. “Do you really think he would have kissed me if Maddie hadn’t come between us?” Suddenly she was insecure. Maybe he wanted to do something different. Maybe it was just her imagination.

“I’d bet my life”, Jenna smiled and meant it for 100%. She just saw the way Niall looked at Maggie. “And… I think he is jealous about you and of the other boys. But I couldn’t find out yet who.” 

Maggie looked at her, very confused. “Why should he be jealous?! He’s everything I ever wanted! He’s kind, shy, has such a wonderful face… I think… I think I love Niall.” 

“You should tell him”, Liam said. He just entered the room and sat down next to her. “He really likes you. And if he knew you would like him as well he had kissed you earlier.” 

“Isn’t it obvious how much I adore him?” Now that Liam know she liked him it didn’t matter anymore how much he knew. 

“Not for him. He thinks you like Harry.” Smiling at looked at Jenna. “Who really likes you”, then he turned back to Maggie. “Tell him what you fell and he will do the same. He is just too afraid you don’t like him the way he does.” 

She just had to laugh. It was just too absurd that he thought she wouldn’t like him enough! Yeah, Harry was also very handsome, but not comparable with Niall. His blonde hair was just perfect, even when he just woke up. His smile always took her breath away and she wished nothing more than to feel his lips on hers. Or even his hand in hers. “I’ll tell him”, she finally said.

“Zayn, call for you!, louis yelled and held the phone in his hand. “It’s Maddie!” Zayn ran to the phone and took it. “Maddie?” 

“Zayn? Hi! oh my god, you really gave me your number…!” She sounded like she tought he just wanted to prank her.

“Yeah, of course. Why shouldn’t I? And… How was your date?” He wanted to know ehat she liked about her boyfriend and what he could do to make her getting a shine on him. 

“Okay”, she sighed.

“What happened?”, he wondered and his his glee. 

“He was angry because I came too late. And when i told him why, he bacme even mor angry because I let him wait for a- for five boys. I couldn’t even mention… umm… I forgot their names. Please don’t tell them…” 

He smiled and laughed quiet. “I won’t”, he promised. “Was this all that had happened?”

“No”, she sighed again. “We watched a film and normally he… umm… kisses me or hugs ne or just holds my hand during a scary film. But this time it seemed like he was just looking forward to the end.” Zayn could hear that she alsmot cried. “Oh, Maddie, don’t cry! Wanna meet? You can tell me everything you want. And the I can hug you.” He accented the ‘I’ and made a sad smile, even she couldn’t see it. How could this boy dare to make her cry?! 

“are you serious? You really wanna meet ME?” She sounded surprised.

“Why not? I always want to make somebody happy and I don’t want you to be unhappy.”

“Aww, you are wonderful! I wish I had met you before….!”

“Before what?”

She wasn’t able to answer. Did she really wish she weren’t dating Simon? And would she give up their relationship because of Zayn Malik, a celebrity who could have every girl? And she wouldn’t see him as often as Simon. And who could say he was interested in her? She was just another fan. “I think I’ll just go to bed”, she  replied. “Thanks for the invitation but… Goodnight, Zayn. I wish we could meet again.” And she was gone.

Speechless he still held the phone in his hand, right next to his ear. Since he was a part fo One Direction no girl said “No” to him but that wasn’t the reason why he was speechless. If she was just as girl he would’ve said “Hm, okay. She doesn’t like me but loads of other mothers had beautiful daughters.” But she wasn’t just a girl or just another fan. Could he call ther ‘The One’? He didn’t know her for one day but it drove him crazy that she had a boyfriend and she like him more than himslef.

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