Chapter Thirty-Two - A normal day

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It was awkward how easy Jenna believed her story. Sue sighed. How could she believe she would really give up Niall James Horan just because he was taken? Probably she should really give up. She had never ruined a relationship and what if Jason really liked her?

No, she wouldn’t let go off Niall. He was all she ever wanted.

Her phone rang. Jason. The perfect moment! “Hey, babe“, he said.

“Hi, J“, she answered. Suddenly she wasn’t angry anymore and started smiling. He called her babe. “What’s up.“

“I just wanted to ask how Jenna is.“

Of course. “She’s fine. Her boyfriend is with her right now.“

“She has a boyfriend?“, Jason asked.

How should he know? First of all he was a boy, had no twitter, Jenna had no facebook and he wasn’t at school the entire week. Sue had worried sick about him. “Yeah. By the way, why did you know she was bad?“

“Alex told me.“ Alex was Jason’s best friend. “I’m really sorry for him.“

“Why?“, Sue asked.

“Um… Yeah, you know… Alex and me made a deal… He would ask out Jenna if I would ask… um… the girl I fancy.“

“Oh, did you already ask her?“, Sue asked and managed not to sigh. It wasn’t Jenna but there was another girl he really liked.

“No, I wanted to today.“

“Hope you have luck. She should be lucky that you ask her.“

“Would you feel happy?“, he asked and she could imagine him smiling cheekily like he always did when he was flirting. Wait, was he flirting?


“So will you go out with me?“

Sue stopped walking and almost dropped the phone. Hadhe really just asked her out?! ‘Oh my god, Jenna was right!‘, she thought speechless and he asked worried: “Sue?“

“Sure!“, she alsmost shouted after she had found her voice again. “When and where?“

“I didn’t think you’d say yes“, Jason laughed and smiled like an idiot.

“Why should I say no?“, she responded and laughed with him.

“I heard you were about to meet the boys from One Direction. Probably one of them would ask you out because you are so beautiful.“

Sue blushed. How could she ever doubt she wouldn’t like Jason? “Well, they all have girlfriends“, she answered and tried to sound like she made a joke.


“Yes. Jenna is Harry’s girlfriend.“

“Wow! I’m afraid to Alex! He will be sad as hell. He really likes her… Like… um… I like you“, he said and they both giggled and blushed. “Should I get you tomorrow around five p.m.? We could go to the cinema or just for a walk, just like you want to.“

She smiled. “It’s up to you. I wanna be surprised.“

“Well, I’ll get you at five then. Um… thanks a lot! Sleep well and… don’t let the bed bugs bite you. See you tomorrow.“

She laughed. “Same to you. I really am looking forward to tomorrow. Night.“ He declined and she smiled. Probably this day is not the worst in her life.

Zayn and Maddie were in the kitchen, helping Jenna’s mother with the food, Harry, Louis, Liam, Kata, Maddie, Maggie and Jenna were in living room talking to Jenna’s dad. Niall and her dad just had started to talk about football. “I wish you could stay tonight“, Jenna whispered to Harry so her dad wouldn’t hear.

Harry grinned and grabbed her hand. “We will have three weeks. Two concerts and Louis is about to meet this girl. Yes, Niall will miss Maggie a lot, but we all will have a great time.“

Jenna smiled. “You’re right. We’ll have a great time. And we’ll enjoy it.“ She grinned like a cheshire cat at him and got suddenly interrupted by her dad: “Jenna, which time will you leave tomorrow?“

“Didn’t I tell you already?“, she answered responding and confusing. She grinned again. “The boys and girls will get me tomorrow at 1p.m. I will be back in three weeks, it‘s already late September then… Well, I don’t know the exact dates when we’re coming back but I’ll text you or mom. Or call you.“

Jenna’s dad smiled and that moment Zayn, Maddie and Jenna’s mom entered. “Dinner’s done“, Zayn smiled and everyone went to the dining room. It was pretty big even though Jenna’s family had never expected to have so many people here. They could choose between Filet wellington and some Cottage Pie, as a dessert was Apple Crumble served. For Kata and Maggie it was something totally new – not very typical food in Finland or Austria. They’ve never eaten things like that but they liked it, although it was very different.

After they had eaten all the food (thanks to Niall) they helped cleaning and washing the dishes. Liam and Niall did the washing, Harry and Louis dried them and Zayn put them into the cupboard, where they belonged to.

In the meantime Jenna cleaned up her room – she had no time and if Harry would enter this room once more today he would see she could have a cleaned up room if she wanted to.

Maggie, Maddie and Kata said their goodbyes to Jenna’s parents, thanked them from the bottom of their hearts for being so nice to them and the boys and waited outside until the boys were done, they also said a short goodbye to Jenna. They would see her tomorrow morning again.

While Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam went outsied to see the girls Harry went upstairs to say a quick goodbye to Jenna. “Love? We have to go now.“

Jenna smiled sad and hugged him. “I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. I’ve never been to Australia.“ She smiled at him. Her room was cleaned up and she still held Harry’s hand although they weren’t hugging for the moment.

“Me too. I’ve missed you these days“, he smiled. “We’ll be here tomorrow morning so don’t forget to get ready and wake up soon.“

“I won’t forget“, Jenna promised.

Harry crushed his lips onto hers and put his hands into her hair. He was nibbling into her under lip so she opened hre mouth to give him the entrance he almost begged for. His hands moved up and down her back and she couldn’t help but feeling this shivers he sent down her spine.

Her hands just lie on his cheeks which burned bright red. They both felt all this feelings rushing through their veins, the adrenaline coming and the urge to do anything, more.

They both pushed back the same moment to breathe. “I missed you so much“, he smiled breathless.

“Same here“, Jenna whispered.

Teasing as he was he just gave her another peck on her lips and then he just blew a kiss before he left the room. “I love you, babe“, he grinned, winked and left.

Jenna let herself drop onto her bed and fell asleep very fast with the biggest smile ever on her face.

AN: I hope this chapter wasn't too boring - next one's up very soon! Sorry! It's a promise! ;)

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