Chapter Twenty-Three - Desperate

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"Harry, what's up?", Zayn smiled as he took the phone. Maddie sat next to him and they watched "Punk'd" on MTV. It was an older episode where Miley Cyrus thought she'd punk Justin Bieber but it was Justin who punk'd Miley. "Oh my god! We'll be there in a second!!"

"What had happened?", Maddie asked alarmed. She had never heard that scary undertone in Zayn's voice.

"Maggie got hit by a car. She, Niall and Harry are on their way to the hospital."

"Oh god!", Maddie gasped. "I'll go and get Louis and Liam!" She stood up and ran upstairs. Maggie was hit by a car. Was she okay? Would she do it? She weren't allowed to die. "Liam, Louis, are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, why?", they asked. They sat infront of Liam's laptop and did a twitcam.

"I'll tell you when you switched off the cam."

"Alright." Liam grinned at the camera and said: "Okay guys, you've heard Maddie! We have to leave now. See you soon!" They waved and then Liam closed the laptop. "So, what's up?" He sighed as he saw her pale face. "Is it about Niall and Maggie? I heard they wer fighting today."

Maddie clapped her hands on her mouth and held back her tears. What kind of feelings did Niall have to feel now? For sure he felt guilty...

"Maddie!", Louis gasped and jumped to hug her. "What happened?", he asked as he pulled back. His hands lie on her shoulders.

"A car hit her", she whispered.

"Bloody hell...!", Liam whispered shocked. "What's up with her right now?"

"I don't know... Zayn talked to Harry on the phone and he said that Harry, Niall and Maggie were already on their way to the hospital."

"We have to go instantly!" Liam and Louis put on their shoes and jackets and so did Maddie. Zayn waited downstairs for them. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. We'll need the sat nav to find the hospital. Will you drive, Zayn? I am a bit... You know."

"Yeah, alright. I hope you don't mind that I smoked in the meantime..."

"When he's nervous he smokes more than usual", Louis explained.

Maddie sighed and they went down to the car. Zayn and Maddie took their places in the front and Louis and Liam in the back. After a few minutes they reached the hotel.

"Hello. My name is Leea Quickström. May I help you?"

"Yeah, a few minutes ago a friend of ours came here. She had an accident. A car hit her and her first name is Maggie."

"Yeah, Maggie from Austria, right?"

"Yes!", Liam smiled. "Where is she?"

"I'm sorry, along you're not a family member I can't let you go to her. Not yet."

"But anyone has to be with her! She can't do this on her own! How would you feel if you'd wake up totally alone? Her family is in Austria!"

"Mr Horan, her cousin is in there."

Liam looked at Zayn. "I didn't know she had a cousin", Louis said so she didn't mind their looks.

"Yes. Mr Styles is on floor 6, were you can find Mr Horan and our patient."

"Thank you very much."

"I'm so sorry... Maybe you hear me... Harry explained it to me... It was all my fault. If you ever forgive me... I love you, Maggie, never forget about that." Niall's eyes were red and his cheeks wet. He had cried all the time he'd been here. It was so painful to see her like this - cast around her legs and bandage around her torso. She had a black eye and she hadn't moved since they came here. And they had been here for three hours already. If Harry was still outdoors? And were Zayn, Liam, Louis and Maddie here? What would've Jenna said? He knew it was his fault. If he hadn't left the hotel because of this disaccord she wouldn't had looked for him. She wouldn't had seen him and she wouldn't had wanted to across the street... What brought them here. Niall grabed Maggie's hand. Even if she wouldn't want to see him when she'd wake up he wanted to give her the feeling that he was sorry and that he still loved her. "Maggie, please wake up." She didn't move. He sighed and a nurse came in. "Mr Horan, I'm sorry but you have to leave now. You can come again tomorrow from 10 A.M. We'll call you if anything happens in the meantime."

"I'll be here at exactly 10 A.M.", Niall smiled sadly and looked at Maggie. He kissed her forehead, whispered "I love you", so the nurse couldn't hear and left the room.

Everyone was there. "I'll call you back later", Harry whispered and pouched his phone into his pocket. "How is she?"

"Not better yet", Niall tried to speak in a normal voice but he wasn't able to. "It was all my fault..."

"It wasn't, Niall. I guess I would've misunderstood it if it had been you and Jenna. It was my fault. I didn't catch her when she ran across the street. I could've."

"Stop it", Liam interrupted them. "It's neiter your nor Harry's fault. Things like this happen. She'll be fine soon. She'll be fine when she has to go to Salzburg again." He smiled at Niall and gave him a hug.

"Okay", Niall whispered. He started to cry again. 

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