Chapte Thirty-Eight

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Jenna sat up and looked at Maddie and Kata. They both fella asleep on they boys‘ laps and Harry also fell asleep. Louis was upstairs and Naks had went home already. Niall has been in his room since he wanted to make some food.

Jenna stood up to switch off the TV as someone grabbed her arm. She fell back on the sofa, directly into Harry’s arm. “Don’t leave me, love“, he whispered sleepy.

Jenna blushed although she knew he wasn’t really there with his head. “I just wanted to switch off the TV, Haz“, she smiled.

“Nooo“, Harry moaned quietly.

“Should we go upstairs?“

He laughed quietly and became more awake. “Jenna, you dirty girl.“

“I didn’t mean it like this!“, she defended herself. “It was just… you slept and I though… the bed’s comfier.“

He laughed and tried to get out of all the blankets on the sofa. He waked Zayn up. “Vas happenin…?!“, he asked and shook his head.

Jenna smiled bright and looked at him. These boys were so funny when they were sleepy. Now also Maddie lifted her head, still with closed eyes. “Is it already morning…?“, she asked. Zayn kissed her temple and whispered: “No, you can go to sleep again…“ He lie his head on the sofa himself again and the two of them fell asleep again. Now Liam was awake and looked at Kata, smiling. He stroke her hair gently and kissed her head a few times before he sighed. He shook her gently at her shoulder and whispered something the others couldn’t understand.

Harry grabbed Jenna’s hand and lead her to the stairs. Followed by Liam, who carried Kata in bridal style, they went upstairs and Harry with Jenna into his room. “Will we sleep in one bed?“, Jenna asked.

Harry nodded. “Why not?“, he smiled. They lie down and Jenna cuddled into Harry’s chest. “You know what the others will think?“

“Liam and Kata are sleeping in Liam’s room, Niall and Maggie both slept in the same room for a few times now and Zayn and Kata are still together on the sofa. So, don’t worry what they might think.“ He crawled a bit closer and wrapped his arms around hre.

She just stared at him. She knew, Harry liked her a lot but it was still weird. He was Harry Styles. He could’ve every girl he wanted and he had chosen her. Like in a fairytale.

He took a stroke of her and twirled it around his finger. “I have to tell you something, Jenna“, he whispered although there was no-one who could’ve heard him.  “Jenna, I wanted to ask you if you receive a lot of hate threats on twitter? I don’t want this but I know that many girls might be upset that I’m taken now. I don’t want you to suffer from that.“

Jenna shivered and looked down at her hands. She hadn’t checked twitter in a while because the fans had sent her some hate threats. “I don’t know…“, she whispered. “I didn’t look at it.“

Harry sighed and lie his head on top of hers and sighed. “I wished I could tell them to stop it.“

Jenna smiled. “It’s okay, Haz. I don’t mind them.“

Harry laughed quietly. “That’s good but I still want them to stop.“ That moment he stood up and opened a drawer. Although it was pretty dark in the room Jenna could see what he was doing – he took out his laptop. “What are you doing?“, she asked. She already knew the answer.

“I ask them why they hate on you“, Harry answered unsurprisingly. He opened the laptop and pushed a button. The screen brightened the room and he sat down on the bed again. He logged onto twitter and typed: “It’s pretty late here but there’s something I have to ask you guys.“ Sent.

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