Chapter Twenty-Four - Memories

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"I'm gone!", Niall shouted. It was half past nine in the morning. Maddie and Harry came with him and Zayn, Louis and Liam would follow after they had eaten breakfast. Niall didn't even want to eat breakfast what wasn't a good sign. "Thanks that you're coming with me", Niall smiled and sat down on the co-driver's seat while Harry took place behind the wheel. Maddie sat at the back.

Niall would've driven alone but he still had no driving licence.

"I bet she'll wake up today", Harry tried to cheer him up.

"Yeah, for sure", Niall sighed hopeless.

"Never lose hope! She will", Maddie said enthusastic.

"I really hope so... Why did we have to fight at all? It's all so stupid... Oh gawd."

"Don't worry", Maddie tried it again. "Maybe she is already awake."

An with this sentence she wasn't wrong at all! The nurse let the three of them into Maggie's room but only one at first. Niall was the first one. "Niall!", she scream-whispered and her eyes filled up with tears. "I am so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you! Will you ever forgive me?!"

Niall smiled and hugged her, not too strong so he wouldn't harm her but strong enough so she could feel he loved her. "I am the one who has to apologize... I'm so stupid! How I could ever think you'd do that? You're way to nice for.... I'd understand if you wanted to leave me?"

"Was it me or you who got hit by the car? I would never leave you", she smiled, then she scanned the room.

Where am I?"

"In a hospital of course", Niall laughed but worried.

"I know", she laughed too. "But which country? England or Austria?"

"Finland", he answered and narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah! When will my sister and Liza come in? I've missed them."

"Who is Liza?"

"My best friend of course", Maggie giggled.

"I thought Jenna was your best friend."

With the following sentence she shocked Niall: "Who is Jenna?"

"You don't know who Jenna is? Do you remember Maddie, Zayn, Harry, Liam, Kata or Louis?"

"Are you talking about One Direction? Who are these girls? Their new girlfriends?"

"You know I'm a member of One Direction?"

"Don't prank me, Nialler. Since when?" She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. "Oh, it feels good to know you're here. I still remember the day you told me you loved me. I never imagined you'd love me back... I mean we were best friends for 7 years!"

"I know", Niall laughed a bit nervous. "You know what? I've a surprise for you!"

"Really? Which one?", she asked.

"Harry from One Direction is here to visit you!"

"Oh my god, really?!"

"Yeah, but he doesn't like it if you fangirl so try to stay calm, yeah?"

"Alright." She took a deep breath and becalmed herself. "Thank you, Nialler. I'll be a nice and quiet girl."

"Okay. But don't let me fall because he is Harry Styles."

"He is Harry Styles but you are my boyfriend. I won't let you fall because he's a celebrity."

"Okay." He smiled at her and held back the tears. What had happened to her memories? "Harry, she wants you to be the next one but we have to talk before."

Confused Harry followed Niall until they were sure that no one was listening. "She lost her memory. She knows who I am but she doesn't know I'm a member of One Direction... And she doesn't know you, the other boys, Jenna, Maddie or Kata. You're just members of One Direction to her and I also had to tell her not to fangirl when you enter the room. While you talk to her I'll tell the doctors and nurses."

Harry nodded and entered Maggie's room. "Hi, are you Maggie?", he asked friendly. This voice he always put on when he talked to fans.

"Yes, I am", she smiled with red hot cheeks. "It's an amazing feeling to meet you finally!"

"For me it feels like we'd already know."

"Awww! Thank you, Harry... Where is my boyfriend? His name is Niall."

"Yeah, I know him", Harry smiled, took a chair and sat down onto it. "Not for that long but I really like him. And you're also very nice."

"Thanks", she grinned and looked at the door. "Wanna know what Niall said? He said he was a part of One Direction", she giggled.

"Didn't he tell you? We want him as a fifth member."

"You mean sixth."

"Yeah", Harry smiled after a moment of confusion. "Seems like you're a true directioner. Tell me who is in the band?"

"You, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Justin Bieber."

Harry just couldn't - he had to laugh. Justin as a member of One Direction?

"Jenna, Harry is on the phone for you!", her mom shouted.

Jenna ran downstairs with a big smile on her face. Harry hadn't called her since yesterday where he had explained what had happened betweem him, Niall and Maggie. Maybe they had made-up yet? It would be cool if she and Harry, Niall and Maggie and Maddie and Zayn would be a couple. And what was about this girl from Australia Louis fancied? Liam would probably feel like an outsider if he wouldn't find THAT girl. "Harry!", she grinned. "I miss you! What's up?"

For a second Harry didn't say anything then he cleared his throat and said with a broken voice. "We're at the hospital."

"What had happened?", Jenna asked and carried the phone upstairs with her so her mom wouldn't hear her and Harry talking.

"A car hit Maggie yesterday... Niall is really upset. He apologized and I was just in there... She... can't remember anyone of us except for Niall. And she doesn't know he's a member of One Direction. She thinks he was always her best friend until he admitted he'd love her. She fangirled as I entered her room."

"Oh no", Jenna whispered. "No one? Just Niall? Not even Maddie or me?"

"No. Niall just told the doctors. Maddie is in with her and she tells her she is a friend of ours and wanted to visit her with me..."

"Shouldn't you tell her the truth?"

"The doctors said we should just say small truths like... What her name is, how old she is, that she loves Niall, that we're One Direction... Only things she could know."

"Oh my god... And when will you start telling her the truth? That she's in love with one of the most famous boys in the world? That the two of you are really good friends? That I'm one of her best friends... I wish I could visit her."

"I also wish you were here. But you can't. We'll come back to London soon and before we fly to Australia we'll stop in Austria so she can be home." This was the sentence which made them say goodbye for now. "I love and miss you", Harry whispered.

"Same here", Jenna smiled. "I'm really looking forward to the day you come home."

"Me too."

"Much luck for Maggie."

"I'll tell her", he promised. "Bye, love."


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