Chapter Fourty-Five - The results

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The following hours Maggie spent her day with doing tests. After six hours she felt more exhausted than ever and just wanted to lie down and sleep but then the doctor told her they had the results and so she went to his office, followed by Niall on his crutches. He wouldn’t let her go through this all alone. He gave her a sympathetic smile before he pecked her lips and they followed the doctor to his office.

“Well, good evening, Maggie”, the doc said.

Maggie lifted an eyebrow. This was no good evening after all. But still she nodded and returned his nice greeting. “Good evening, Dr. Simmons.”

“We have some bad news”, he whispered and pointed at a chair so Maggie took place. He looked at the young woman infront of him and sighed again. “Alright?”, she asked unsure.

“Maggie… I am really sorry to tell you this but you have an advanced brain tumour. It attacks the nerves in your brain which causes all your problems.”

Maggie just sat there and stared at the doctor. She couldn’t really realize what he was saying, it sounded so surreal. It couldn’t be true. But Niall’s expression showed it was true. He heard the words too, it wasn’t just her imagination.

“What does that mean?”, Maggie whispered. “I will survive, won’t I?”

Dr. Simmons looked at the papers in his hands before he broke the silence. “We will try our best”, he said without answering her question. He didn’t look at the couple infront of him. He had told people before they had cancer but something about them was different. Maybe it was because they were already injured. He didn’t know what had happened to this girl but the cast on her arm already told a story.

Finally he dared to look at them. The girl was just sitting there. She didn’t show any emotions, she was probably not realizing his words. But the boy. He tried not to cry, to stay strong for his girlfriend, but he wasn’t strong enough. It was no weakness. It just showed he had emotions and how much he felt for this girl. Another boy could’ve left his girl in a moment like this but he stayed.

“Niall?”, she asked suddenly and looked up at him. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw his red and puffy eyes. “What is it?!”

He looked at her and tried to get the control for his face again. “Are you serious? You ask me why I’m crying. Maggie, have you listened to his words?”, he asked and pointed at the doctor.

“I did”, she whispered. But the words still haven’t reached her brain. It was the protective mechanism of her brain which told her not to believe it. It would take some time until she would finally realize his words. It was always like this.

“What will we do about it?”, Maggie asked and looked at Dr. Simmons.

“Chemotherapy, of course.”

Maggie reached out her hand to touch her hair and sighed. She loved her hair. “I will miss my hair”, she said and smiled slightly.

“Is this all you care about, Maggie?”, Niall asked shocked.

“It will take some time until she’ll realize it”, the doctor explained. “We should give her the time she needs and then, when she knows how serious this is, we will have to be there for her.”

Niall sighed frustrated, but nodded. He would always be there for Maggie.

“We will start with the therapy soon, but her cancer is already advanced, as I told you. It won’t be easy to get rid of it and maybe she has to live with it for the rest of her life”, Dr. Simmons explained to Niall who nodded. “A nurse will lead Maggie to her room now. You can visit her, if you want to or vice versa. We have a station for cancer patients but it’s not far away from yours.”

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