Chapter Thirty-Five - Confession

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‘Eeh, where is my money?!‘ Naks thought desperate. Without her money bag she couldn’t meet Louis! She had to take the bus because it would take too long by feet. “Mom, have you seen my purse?“, she asked.

Her mother shook her head. “No, sorry, Naks.“

“Great…“, she sighed. “Could you drive me to Starbucks? In Sydney?“

“No, I told you I have no time. I have to work.“

Naks sighed. Since her little brother was old enough for kindergarten her mother deiced to work again – but at home so she could always go and get him if something would’ve happened. “And how am I supposed to come to Sydney? Could you borrow me any money?“

“I gave it all to your sister this morning.“

“Why?!“, Naks asked. Her sister got EVERYTHING.

“Because she asked me!“, her mother said. “Now calm down, is it that important you get there today?“

“Yes, it is! And I can’t believe you gave her again money! You always give her money when she wasted her own money, that’s so unfair! And now, when I need some, I don’t get any.“

“How am I supposed to know you need any?“, her mother asked and unpacked her laptop. “I have to work now, so please leave.“

Naks groaned but gave in. If she only had her driving license already. Then she could take her mother’s car and go there… She could call Louis and tell him she can’t come. But she couldn’t call any numbers outside from Australia, although he was in Australia. The number had to be australian.

Great. What should she do now?

She took out her own laptop and typed a direct message to Louis: “I’m afraid I can’t come… I lost my purse and now I don’t have the money to drive to Sydney.“

She kept on looking for her purse and after fiveteen minutes she looked at her screen. No answer. Probably he didn’t even have his phone with him. Or he wasn’t interested in tweeting anything for the moment. So he didn’t even look at it… Oh no! What if he got mad at her?

She wasn’t famous yet, she was just one of those “lucky eggs on twitter who got a follow back by Louis Tomlinson“ so far. People didn’t know her, even though she had already seen newspapers where Louis Tomlinson should’ve said there’s a girl called Naks from Australia he liked. She wasn’t sure if she should belive it but how did they know her name?

Her phone rang and she answered in hope it would be Lou: “Yes?“

“Naks, what’s our homework?“

Naks groaned. “Kim, have you seen my purse?“

“What?“, her friend asked.

“Have you seen my purse? I need to find my money.“

“I think my problem is more important… so, what’s our homework?“

“Do you really think our homework is more important? I could meet Louis William Tomlinson if I would just find my stupid money! Could you borrow me any? Please?“

“Oh my gosh, why didn’t you tell me earlier?!“, Kim shouted. “Of course I can! Come over, fast!“

“You’re the best“, Naks sighed and smiled. “I’ll be there in a sec and I’m gonna tell you everything afterwards.“ She declined and ran downstairs. “Bye, mom, I’m back later!“

Before she could hear her mom saing goodbye, too, she was out of the house.

Louis sighed. “Where are you?“, he whispered. He couldn’t stay this long in the public. In Australia almost everyone knew them. Every moment a fan could discover him. He looked at his watch. Almost fiveteen minutes too late now. He would wait forever but… his fans…

He ordered another cappuccino and drunk it quick, although it burnt in his gullet. He could cry. What if she had posted him? What if she wouldn’t come?

“Excuse me, are you Louis Tomlinson?“

He felt the urge to jump and run out of the shop but he turned around smiling and nodded without looking at the girl. “Yes, I am. How can I help you?“

“I think it was your idea to meet here?“

He looked at her and now he really jumped. “Naks!“, he shouted happy and everytone turned to look at them. “This is Louis Tomlinson!“, a girl shouted and another dozen of people looked at them. The girls rushed at them and asked for photos and signs.

Louis gave Naks an excusatory smile and she nodded.

He signed some pieces of paper and some coffee-cups, took some photos and hugged some of his fans. “Sorry, I and Naks have to go now.“

“Who’s Naks?“, one of the girls asked.

Louis smiled at Naks. “This beautiful girl here.“

“You’re this girl from the twitcam!“, one fan shouted and Naks stared at her. “You recognize me?“, she wondered and the fan nodded. “Sure I do!“

Naks giggled and Louis linked his arm with hers. “It was nice to meet all of you, but we really have to go now. I hope I’ll see you guys on our show tomorrow night?“

The girls all shouted, screamed and cried and the manager shot Louis a look. If looks could kill…

“So, why did you need so long to get here?“, Louis asked.

Naks‘ heart skipped some beats and she had to swallow a few times. She really was talking to Louis Tomlinson and now he could see if she’d fangirl. She couldn’t do it. Not now. “I couldn’t find my purse and so I couldn’t pay the bus. My best friend borrowed me some money.“

“I really owe her something“, Louis giggled.

“You?“, Naks laughed. “Why you?“

Louis stopped and looked at Naks with a serious face. “Naks, I’ve been waiting for this for a long time now. I would’ve died if you hadn’t been coming.“

Naks blushed and her heart beated in an uregular rythm. “I guess me too.“ She smiled and he smiled back. “Well, my fans wouldn’t have liked it if I would’ve died.“

Naks laughed. “Me neither. But I think one of those girls inside there could’ve brought you to life again.“ She winked and looked back at the coffee shop. “They really love you guys.“

“I guess they have tough luck with us… I’m sorry for them.“


“Niall has Maggie. Harry has Jenna. Zayn has Maddie. Liam has Kata.“

“And what about you? You’re the only one who isn’t taken.“

Louis laughed. “I’m mentally taken to a girl. I haven’t told her yet, but I guess it’s pretty obvious I like her. And I also said in a interview I liked her but I hope she didn’t see it. She doesn’t live in the country where we had the interview. But I already saw some clips on the internet. Maggie filmed it too.“

“Is this girl taken because you haven’t told her yet?“, Naks asked and tried to hide her sadness. Of course he’d already be in love with someone.

“No, why?“

“Because, I guess, every girl on this planet would say yes to you. Well, probably except for Maggie, Maddie, Jenna and Kata.“ They both started to laugh and then Louis‘ face became serious again. “Would you say yes?“, he asked and swallowed. His eyebrows were narrowed and he thought about everything what could happen: she coul said no, she could laugh at him, she could run away…

“Sure I would“, she said instead.

His face brightened up and he oulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “Oh my, you just made me to the happiest man alive“, he laughed.

She laughed with him. “And you just made me to the happiest woman alive“, she replied.

“What do you want to do?“, he asked and grinned at her. “Wanna talk a walk at the beach?“

And before she could say anything he grabbed her hand and ran to the beach.

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