Chapter Sixteen - Chatting

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“Jenna, could you help me please?”, her mother shouted.

“I’m there in a sec!”, she shouted and shut the door behind her. Her mother was in the kitchen and cooked alone with a desperate face. “I’m afraid the cake burned! Please look for it!”

Jenna opened the oven and saw a perfect cake in the middle of the oven. “No, it’s not. Should I take it out?”

“Yeah, please”, her mother smiled and agitated something in a kettle.

“Why did you bake a cake?”, Jenna asked smiling, turned the oven off, took the cake out and placed it on the table.

“Because I missed you.”

“I was gone for two days, mom. I’ll turn 18 this year. I will leave someday. Not you but this house.”

“Yes, I know, but I saw you in the papers with Harry today. Are you really his girlfriend? You know him for three days.”

“I know, mom, but Harry is no average teenager like the boys at my school. He really likes me. And I like him too. And if he would cheat on me the whole world would know. I don’t think he would do that to me or thathe would risk his good image.”

“Maybe you are right. Be happy your dad didn’t find out yet. But with all the medias abou Harry and yoh he will find out as soon as he watches the news tonight.”

Jenna paled. “Oh god.”

“And Sue was here today. She asked for you a few minutes before you came home.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve called her.”

“You can call her and invite her for dinner and tell her evrything. Dad won’t be here and I’ll let the two of you alone.” She winked and moved on to cook.

“Thank you mom. I’ll call her right away id you don’t need me.”

“Go on, hun”, she smiled.

Jenna ran up the stairs to her room, took the phone and dialed Sue’s number. “Jenna, is that you?”, Sue screamed.

“Yeah, it is!”, Jenna smiled.

“Oh my god,is it true what I read about Harry Styles and you?!”

“Yep”, Jenna laughed. “I can’t describe how it feels!” She sat to the window and looked down on the streets. Nothing special.

“Guess so! Gawd, you’re so lucky! Where did you meet him? I wanna know EVERYTHING”, Sue smirked.

“Alright”, Jenna said and told her about how she met Harry and that he lost her number and that Maggie found her. That Harry asked her to come with and about the kiss.

“You’re joking”, Sue said unbelieving. “You did not just tell me that Harold Edward Styles kissed you!“

He did!”, Jenna smiled. “And I have so many followers on twitter now.”

“Haven’t you seen it? You have a verified account!”

“No way!”, Jenna gasped. She switched on her laptop and logges on twitter. “Oh my god, you’re right! And - aww! Harry wrote me via twitter!”

“What did he tweet?!”

“’@JennaKStylinson I already miss you babe! We’ll be back in a few! Looking forward to it!’ Oh my god, he’s so sweet. I still can’t believe I’m his girlfriend.”

“Me too! A week ago we would’ve sat infront of the computer and had cried because it wasn’t one of us - and now it’s you! By the way, do the other boys have girlfriends? Like this Maggie and Maddie who have been on the twitcam yesterday?”

“Not now, I think. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you but why don’t you come over? Mom said you can have dinner with us. And no one will disturb us.”

“Yeah! I’ll be there in a few! See you ina sec, hun!” The connection got capped and Jenna walked over to her laptop. She retweeted Harry and answered: “I miss you too, Hazza! Have fun in finland!” Then she added Maggie to show her that she wouldn’t forget about her and looked at her profile. She had almost one million followers. “Oh. My. Gosh. I’m famous.”

It knocked at the door and Sue stood in there. “Jenna!”, she screamed and hugged her best friend. She had curly brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. She always smiled. Kind of Harry as a girl. “You will not believe what just happened!” She entered and started to tell: “I walked down here and I met Kathrine and she walked over to me and shouted: ‘Love! How are you and Jenna! I miss the two of you!’.”

“What did you do?”, Jenna asked.

“I just looked at her and grinned: ‘You found out about Harry and Jenna, didn’t you?’ It was funny! Loads of these people who were so annoying before are suddenly so nice to me because you’re my best friend! I’m happy! And will I get to see the boys when they get you to fly to Australia?”

“How did you know?!”, Jenna asked.

“Twitter, of course!”, Sue laughed. She wanted to go on but Jenna inteerupted her: “Take a breath, Sue. Let’s eat something, my mom also made a cake for us.”

“Yeah, I love cake!”, Sue cheered and they entered the kitchen. The spagetthis were done that moment so they took the plates and ate them. They made fun with it and shot some noodles around so the gravy was on the walls, on the floor and everywhere. “Mom will.kill me!”, Jenna giggled. She should be more serious, she knew - she was almost 18. “Come on, let’s tidy fast and then we can talk.”

“Alright”, Sue laughed and helped her cleaning.

“Okay, now tell me about One Direction!”, Sue begged and sat down on Jenna’s bed.

“Okay, Harry is really the flirt. He flirted loads with me. Maggie, the girl Niall likes, told me, that he was looking for me that day we met. Can you imagine that? Harry Styles was looking for me. And he kissed me! Oh god, we kissed!”

“How does he kiss?”, Sue asked and her eyes sparkled more than usual.

“He is an extraordinharry kisser”, Jenna giggled. “No, seriously”, she added but still with a smile. “He kisses very passionatly. I really like kissing him!”

“I guess so! And I loved that twitcam! I had to cry when Harry introduced you! Would you tell me something about Niall and Maggie? Seems like they’re really close! And who’s Maddie?”

“Niall and Maggie aren’t a couple yet. But I guess they’ll be one soon. And I think Zayn likes Maddie… But you saw the twitcam - for the moment she doesn’t want a boyfriend. I don’t know what happened between her and her boyfriend but… Yeah. I don’t know it.”

“Seems like he wasn’t the nicest at all.”

“Yeah, I know…” Her phone rang and and she took it. “Who is it?”, Sue asked smiling.

Jenna grinned at her friend and whispered: “It’s Harry!”

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