Chapter Ten - At Nando's

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“I’m done”, Jenna said and stood up, her plate, a butter knife and her cup in her hands. She put them down on the trolley and Niall carried it out. “Let’s go?”, he asked and looked at Maggie. 

“No!”, she said instantly. “I can’t leave the house without make-up!” 

He looked at her and shook his head. Then he looked at Liam and formed something with his lips she couldn’t see. Liam nodded and started: “You’re insecure, don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the door. Don’t need make-up. To cover up. Being the way that you are is eno-o-ough.” 

Harry added: “Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you!” Then everyone, also Maddie and Jenna sang the chorus. “That’s what makes you beautiful!”, Niall sang the last sentence even it was not his part. “Understood?”, he smiled. 

Maggie nodded and held back my tears of glee. This boy… “You are phnomeniall!”,she shouted before I could stop herself. They bursted out in laugh and so did she. “Thank you Nialler, but if there are any paparazzi I don’t wanna get caught without make-up.”

He shook his head again. “Maggie, we didn’t sing for no reason. Okay, I convinced them to sing with me but they also say you don’t need makd-up. Right, guys?”

“Yeah!”, everyone screamed. 

She sighed and gave up. “Fine. But just today! And it’s your fault if I look like shit on a photo. I’m really not photogenic.”

“C’mon girl”, Louis said and opened the door. “Your face is pretty enough for photos and you have to get your ass in gear now. We should be back to Leicester before midnight. And we wanna visit family Malik once more.” 

She nodded and left the appartment. Niall walked next to her and smiled at he.. He was the smallest of the guys but still way bigger than her. Only 5’4! Shebwas smallest in my class although she wasn’t the youngest. “Niall, you know I’m still going to school? I have one more year.” 

He looked at her. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” 

“I’ve still summer holidays but I’ve to go to school in september.” She swallowed. It was august.

Niall turned around to face his mates. “Guys, she has to go to school in september!” 

“Me too”, Jenna said. 

“Do you?”, Zayn asked and Maddie shook her head. “I told you, I’m going to Yale next year. I make a break this year.”

Jenna and Maggie gasped and looked at her. “You’re going to Yale?!” 

“Yep. I know.” She sighed. “Please don’t hate me for that.” 

“Why should we?”, Jenna laughed. 

Somehow she saw that Maddie felt seperated from them. Maybe it was because Jenna and her were so close yet and she was… The newbie. 

She shrugged and the sat down in the limo - again. Maggie sat down between Jenna and Niall and laid her hands on her knees when Niall suddenly grabbed her hand and she blushed.

“Aww”, Jenna whispered. She and Harry didn’t hold each others hand. Then Maggie remembered she was the only who knew they were together and winked at her. She blushed and faced Harry who was looking at her. She turned around to face Niall and saw how close they were. She squeaked and he looked confused at her. It felt like a second but the car already stopped and they left to enter the mall. “Is there a Nando’s inside? I’m hungry…”, Niall whined and she laughed. He just ate loads of bread and cheese and much more and now he wanted to eat chicken? She didn’t expect him really like this before she met him but it made him even more loveable. ‘My Niall. What did I just say? Niall wasn’t mine. We didn’t kiss. We just admited we liked each other. I liked him loads but I had no idea how much he liked me. I died to get a kiss by him.’

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