Chapter Three - Sightseeing

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“Hey Harry”, Maggie smiled.

He was already in the kitchen. She wore the purple bathrobe again but her hair and Make-Up was already done.

“Hey”, he sighed with a sad smile.

“Found her?”, she whispered. Maybe he didn’t want the boys to know about the stranger girl he met and liked and she respected this.

“No. But I just can’t get her out of my head”, he whispered back and looked into her eyes. “I always see her green eyes, a perfect match to her long dark hair.”

“Seems like you’d really like her.”


Shocked they jumped apart and Maggie smiled at Niall.”How was your sleep?” For some reason she felt guilty but what for? She just talked a bit to Harry about a girl he liked - he had no interest in her and she had no interest in him. Maybe it was his face which made her feel like this.

He gave her a sweet smile. “I had a good sleep. A nice dream. What did you say? For ‘simply wonderful’?”

“Einfach wundervoll”, she smiled. “If you want to I can teach you a bit german.” He nodded happy. “Is there any food for me?”

Maggie laughed - she knew before he liked food but the last two days she really saw it. “No, but I can make you… eggs, toast, tea. Or you could order something from the roomservice.”

“Good idea”, he smiled and went to one of the phone. While he talked to a woman, Harry apologised.

“What for?”, Maggie asked confused.

“I saw your faces. You looked both a bit… Don’t know. He was disappointed and you seemed guilty. You don’t have to. I don’t feel like this for you. And you do not, do you?” She shook her head.

“So everything’s alright.” He padded her shoulder and left the kitchen. “

Okay, I ordered something for the six of us. I hope it’s enough.” He grinned. “Do you wanna do anything today? We don’t have any plans. Tomorrow we’ll drive to Bradford because Zayn wants to go home and we’ll take a stop in Leicester. Today is our day.”

She made a bright smile. “Oh, great! It was kinda boring alone here yesterday…” She sighed. “I don’t have any plans. Do you? If you want to we two could do anything, just the two of us.” She blushed because she didn’t want to say that. She still didn’t know what his feelings for her were and she was afraid to overreact. She couldn’t say if she really liked him or if she just liked him because he was Niall James Horan.

He hove her up and sat her down at one of the tables. “Sounds great”, he whispered and resisted the impulse to kiss her again. He looked straight into her light brown eyes and leant a bit forward. A few centimetres more and their lips could touch.

“Sorry”, a voice interrupted them and Niall went a step away of her.

Their breath was irregularly and she couldn’t look into Louis’ face. “Umm… I just wanted to tell you that the roomservice is already here". As fast as he could he left the kitchen.

Maggie jumped off the table and left also the room, Niall watched her then he moved to the door to get the food he had ordered.

Silence. No one said anything. Okay, there were just Niall and Maggie but they felt weird. Harry went outside because he wanted to look for Jenna again (to Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam he said he’d need fresh air and took a walk, only Maggie were he really was going). Zayn, Liam and Louis watched TV because they wanted to let the two of them alone.

“Umm… What should we do now? It’s not even three p.m.”, she asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. “You said you’ve never been to London before. What about a sightseeing tour? We could also take Liam, Louis and Zayn with us. I think they know London better than I do.” He smiled. “If you want them to. I’m fine with everything you want.” He smiled even brighter. “Okay, I ask for a tour the next hour and you ask them if they wanna come with us.” Secretly he hoped they would wanna stay so he had time with her alone but they were his best friends, his band members.

She nodded and went to Liam’s room where they watched a film. “Hey guys, Niall and I want to make a sightseeing tour and he said I should ask you if you wanna come with us.” The boys changed looks and then they shook their heads the same moment. ‘They should spend some time alone’, they all thought. She nodded and left Liam’s room.

Niall just came back - he was very fast. “The next tour starts in ten minutes - will you be done in ten minutes?”

She smiled. “Yeah, what should I take on? It is hot at the moment but I heard the weather can change fast here.”

“Wear onion style. Something for hot temperatures and over it something for rain.” He smiled and moved on to her, glad they talked like before. “I’ll wait here for you.” She held on her breath and nodded then she ran to her room. She took on a blue-not-too-short-and-not-too-long-skirt, a solid T-Shirt, black tights and a sweater. She would have taken pumps or high heels but she took normal sneakers. “Done”, she said after eight minutes - she had put on a bit more mascara but not too much and no eyeliner or kajal.

“Good. Let’s go?” He opened the door for her and made a little bow what made her laugh. She went through the door and Niall shouted “Bye, guys!”

First they drove to Big Ben, then they passed the Queen’s palast and Maggie made stupid things to make the soldiers laugh but they kept on looking serious. The tour took them three hours and then they were exhausted so they went to a coffee shop. Maggie felt a look at her and turned around.

The girl which looked at her had green eyes and long dark hair and she smiled. The girl’s eyes moved to Niall and he mouth made the shape of an O. Maggie tipped Niall’s shoulder and pointed at the girl.

He smiled back to her and she moved on to them. “Are you Niall Horan?”

Niall nodded. “Yes and you are?”

“My name’s Jenna and I’m a big fan of you! Yesterday I met Harry and today you! Oh my god, I’m luckiest girl in the world!”

She gave Maggie a smile. “Maybe except for you. You are…?”

Maggie grinned. “Harry told me about you!” Niall looked at the two of them. “I’ll get us some coffee, Maggie. Take a seat, I’ll be right back.”

She nodded and sat down on a table with three chairs. “If you want to you can take a seat.”

So Jenna sat down. “I never saw you before with one of them. Who are you?”

“I am just a fan. I am from Austria. Niall asked me to travel around with them for a while… Anyway, Harry is looking for you all day long! You gave him your wrong phone number.”

“He’s looking for me?”, Jenna asked. She couldn’t believe Maggie’s words. “If you want to, I can call him. I guess he’ll be here in a few minutes.”

Jenna got hyped.”Oh my God, really?!”

Maggie nodded and Niall came with two cups of coffe. “I need your phone, please”, Maggie said.

“What for?”, he answered with a question.

“I wanna call Harry.” Niall didn’t seem very happy about that but he gave her his phone and he called him.

“Harry? Hi, here’s Maggie. You won’t believe who’s sitting next to me. The girl you met yesterday! … Yeah, she really is!” Then she told him in which coffee shop they were.

One Direction To My Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें