Chapter Thirty-Three - Goodbye!

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The next morning Harry was very excited and woke up everyone way to early. The had two hours longer than they needed but they weren’t angry. Especially not Maggie and Niall.

They would miss each other so much!

Maggie and Niall lie in their bed one hour long, just to stare at each other. They didn’t kiss. They didn’t even touch, no they were just staring at each other. This may sound boring but if you’re in love with someone seeing this one face can make your day.

Niall still couldn’t believe she had finally said it. She loved him. He grabbed her hand and they started to smile. “I love you“, they said the same moment and started to giggle, then they sighed. “I’ll miss you“, he said.

“I’ll miss you too, Nialler“, Maggie smiled sad and sat up. “What should we do til it’s half past twelve? I’m hungry – let mke guess. You’re also hungry!“

“I always am!“, he laughed and they went out of the room to see everyone siitung at the sofa watching TV and eating some random stuff.

“Zayn, are you seriously eatng pizza in the morning?“, Niall laughed but grabbed one piece by himself.

“Hey! Don’t you dare to touc my babies ever again!“

Everyone started to laugh and Maggie and Niall went to the kitchen to get some food on their one. He put out evyrthing and she started to laugh. “What?“, he asked grinning. “We’re leaving anway, we should it all as long as we can. Oh, and by the way, it’s not gonna be a private jet today. But still first class.“

Maggie smiled. “Wow, I’ve always wanted to fly first class. But I guess it’s not that special after I’ve been already flying private.“

“Not comparable“, Niall agreed and they decided to spend some time alone and so they went upstairs again with all this food. They didn’t switch on the TV, they just sat on the bed and ate.

“What’s your favourite food?“, he asked after some time.

“Our national dish plus potato chips. You should try it.“

“I remember an interview we had once we were in Germany. Louis said he had already tried it.“

Maggie nodded happily. “Yeah, I remember it. It was really embarrassing for her. At least it would’ve been embarrassing for me. I hate her accent.“

Niall smiled cheekily. “I love yours. It’s also not typical for germans and austrians.“

Maggie laughed. “I always tried to imitate a british one!“ She laughed even harder. “But it sounds gross! Adnd you irish I can’t imitate after all. It’s flawless.“

Niall blushed and smiled at her. “Aww, you’re too cute, Maggie. I’m so sad you have to go today. Why can’t you go with us? Or why can’t I stay?“

“Because you can’t disappoint your fans“, Maggie smiled. She didn’t want to ruin Niall’s career. Probably it was already bad enough to be his girlfriend.

“That’s tru, They’re everything to us.“

Maggie took out her phone and logged onto Niall’s twitter. “You should show them more often and do follow, metion, RT or DM sprees. They really want you to see them. How did you fell when Justin Bieber followed you?“

Niall laughed and nodded. “Well, it’s gonna be hard, but I’ll do an #AskNiall now. Will you help me with the answers?“, he laughed.

Maggie noddedf excited and they cuddled onto the bed so they both saw the screen and could read it. “@1Dpalt What happened to your girlfriend Maggie? She didn’t look good on the airport today! :/ #AskNiall“

“Look, fans are worrying about you!“, Niall smiled sad at Maggie and kissed her forehead. “Should I tell them the truth…?“

Maggie nodded and smiled at him to give him more braveness.

“A car hit her, she had been to hospital for two days. Hope she’s gonna be fine when I’m coming back from Aussie“, Niall answered.

“Isn’t she going to Australia with you? *.* #AskNiall“, another fan asked.

“No, she can’t. She’s going to school. But Kata, Maddie and Jenna are goin t!“

Maggie laughed at his tweet. “You guys should learn how to write…“, she laughed and shook her head.

“Who of you is single? #AskNiall“

Niall laughed. “Well, I just can speak for myself, but I think everyone of us has one girl in sight…“

A lot of sad and smiling smileys turned up and the fans asked: “What are their names? #AskNiall“

“Mine is, as you all know, Maggie. Harry’s is Jenna, Zayn’s is Maddie and… well, I won’t tell you Liam’s and Louis‘ girlies.“

Maggie laughed again. “Girlies? Come on, Horan, you can do it better!“

Niall laughed aswell but then Harry entered. “We have to go soon. Don’t forgt anything, I’ll be back in a few, then you should be done.“

“Gotta go now! See you in two days in Aussie!“, Niall tweeted and logged off. “That was fun“, he smiled and whispered at Maggie. “I told you, you should do it more often. Fans will love you even more.“ She winked and Niall dragged their both suitcases downstairs.

In the plane Harry sat next to Jenna, Niall next to Maggie, Zayn next to Maddie and Liam and Louis shared a seat (for fun, just because Lou didn’t want to sit alone) next to Kata.

Harry and Jenna weren’t kissing, he just held her hand and drew little circles on it with his thumb.

Niall had his arm around Maggie’s shoulder, carefully.

Zayn and Maddie were talking and Liam, Louis and Kata were playing Truth or Dare (again).

The flight took about four hours and Niall and Maggie were preparing theirselves mentally on the huge goodbye. They had no time to stay in Asutria for one day, the next plane was coming instantly. So they could just say goodbye while her father would get here and she’d be at home, preparing for school on Monday. Ugh.

Not only Maggie’s eyes were teary when they left the plane – also Jenna’s, Maddie’s, Kata’s Niall’s and the other boys‘ eyes. Not because they would all miss her so much (alsoe because) but also because Niall and Jenna were so extremely sad.

Jenna pulled her into a hug and suddenly everyone joined. It was a huge pile out of four girls and five boys cuddeling in the middle of the airport. “I’ll miss you so much“, Maggie said but still kept the smile on her face.

“We’ll miss you, too“, Niall and Jenna said. “Hope you’re havingf fun. I’ll text you everyday. I know you can’t answer mke because it would cost too much but please tweet me“, Niall smiled and gave her a kiss on the forhead.

“I love you“, she said one more time what made them both blush. The others turned around to give them some privacy so he crushed his lips onto hers. They both stopped breathing and their hearts skipped some beats. Their breath became unregular and Niall wrapped his arms around her waits to pull her closer.

Louis cleares his throat after some time so they split up. “I’ll miss you“, Maggie smiled one more time. “I love you, Nialler!“

“Love you, too, Maggs!“, he shouted as the boys had to drag him away. He blew one more kiss she catcher before she went outside to see her best friend, her sister and her father waiting for her.

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