Chapter Fourty-Four

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 “Are you okay?“, Jenna asked worried and looked at Maggie. “Does any of your injuries hurt?”

Maggie shook her head as if she could get rid of her headaches. She was worrying too much. Her headaches were just there because she was worrying about Niall. But she couldn’t help herself. Niall was in there for almost six hours now. “No, it’s just because of Niall. How long can it take them to cure his bone?”

Jenna pulled her into a hug without using her broken arm. “Don’t worry. Niall will be alright when he’s back. He’ll smile and tell you he is a carefree mofo and then he will kiss you and you’ll live happily ever after.”

Maggie hit her best friend’s healthy shoulder playfully. “I know but… wouldn’t you care if it was Harry in there?”

Immediately Harry sat up and shook his head sleepily. “Wha bou me?”, he asked and rubbed his eyes.

“What?”, Jenna asked laughing. Maggie hadn’t understood him either.

“I asked: ‘What about me?’”, he said and lie down again.

“I thought you were asleep”, Jenna smiled and kissed her boyfriend’s forehead.

“I were but then I heard my name. I had some weird dream. I dreamt that you two didn’t know me personally and were mental fangirls…”

Jenna and Maggie laughed.

It made Maggie’s headache even worse and her sight blurred again. This had happened for the fourth time today. She tried to laugh it away but it didn’t stop. She started feeling dizzy and rested her head on Harry’s lap.

“Maggie, you sure you’re okay?”, Jenna asked worried.

Immediately she sat up. She didn’t like It if her friends were worrying about her. “I am fine. I just worry about Niall and I’m a bit jetlagged”, she lied but she convinced herself it was the truth.

“You wanna sleep in my bed until Niall’s surgery is done?”, Jenna offered. “I always sleep in Harry’s anyway.”

“That would be so nice, thank you!” Maggie stood up and suddenly she couldn’t see anything. She blinked hard but there was nothing. Then it came back, slowly. She had found the bed without her ability to see so Jenna wouldn’t stare at her.

She lie down and closed her eyes. She tried to breathe normal infront of Harry and Jenna but it wasn’t easy. This, what had just happened, scared the hell out of her. This might sound childish but she wanted her mother now. She hadn’t seen her for what felt like ages. Now that she had Niall she would hardly see her mom. “I’m fine”, she thought and told herself every time.

She felt already very tired so she fell asleep soon.

“Maggie? Maggie, wake up, Niall is out of surgery.”

Instantly Maggie’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled at Jenna. She was smiling, too, what made Maggie full of hope. “He’s okay?”, she asked.

Jenna nodded. “Yeah, he is a bit exhausted, though, but he is awake and he is fine. He said he would like to see you. But… err, don’t tell him I awoke you. He’d kill me, I guess.”

Maggie smiled and hugged her friend. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” She stood up and felt better. She still had a slight headache but she could see perfectly and she didn’t feel dizzy anymore. She entered Room 421 and found Niall lying on his bed. His eyes were closed as if he was asleep but as soon as Maggie closed the door behind her he sat straight up to smile at her. “Hey there”, they whispered the same moment. She pecked his lips before she sat down next to him. “Show me your leg, please”, she whispered and looked at his left foot.

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