Ch25 - Sleep over

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I met up with Lydia and Allison at the exit of the haunted house. Derek had gone home after he calmed me down. Lydia and Allison were absolutely pissed at me.

"Where were you?!"

"We thought you'd been taken!"

"Yeah, or worse!"

"Geez calm down. I got nauseous so I got out." I explained.

They eyed me suspiciously but eventually went with my lie. We went back to Lydia's house. I was in awe. It was quite big and she looked quite rich. I felt stupid for never really noticing the amount of jewelry she was wearing every day. Of course she was rich-ish.

Well, most people are rich to my standards.

Lydia and Allison were hungry when we got back. I hadn't really been hungry since I left Holland but decided to eat along. I thought they would pull out something like pizza but instead they grabbed some sort of healthy meal.

I ate it nevertheless but it wasn't tasty.

I followed them upstairs. Lydia's mom also showed up. She began to tell us some random stories but Lydia cut her off and made sure that she wasn't allowed in her room. I sat on one of the chairs and fell in thoughts.

Your mom just wants to be part of your life. Why would you shut her out? If I had parents like that, would I also behave like that?

"Liz?" Allison asked a bit worried.

"Yes! Present on planet Earth!" I said while looking up.

Lydia and Allison looked a bit confused. Was that too much RPG? Okay noted.

The rest of the evening was spend on 'getting to know' each other.

"Favorite music genre."

"Pop." Allison and Lydia said in sync.

"Uh... Rock and nightcore." I answered.

"What's nightcore?"

"It's uh... covers of music but then sped up and edited."

They looked at me like I was weird, something I probably am, and continued our conversation.

"So what kind of diet do you have?" Lydia asked me.

"I don't have one."

"What? But you're REALLY skinny! How do you do that?" Allison asked in disbelief.

Not getting enough food and having to do a lot of physical activity back home.

"I guess I just have lucky genes." I said with a fake smile and they changed the subject.

"Love interests. How about you, Liz?"

"That will be a short story."

"Oh come on, there must be something." Allison insisted "What about previous boyfriends?"

"Never had one."

"Not even random flirts?"

"No." They all avoided me as much as possible.

Lydia thought about it for a second "What about Stiles?" she asked hinting.

"What about Stiles?" I asked confused.

"Where did you even met him?"

"We both played this MMORPG." I saw their blank face "That's uh... An online game. He was stuck so I helped him."

"And that's it?" Lydia asked unbelieving.

"Yeah, he's my friend."

Lydia rolled her eyes and turned to Allison. "So where are you with Scott?"

Allison's heart began to pound faster and she began to blush. The rest of the evening was filled with boring 'girl talk'. I was happy when they suggested to sleep.

Lydia had a double bed and we had one sleeping bag. They were looking a bit troubled by the fact that one of us had to sleep on the ground so before they could protest I grabbed the sleeping bag and placed it on the ground.

"You don't have to." Allison began but I cut her off.

"But I'm gonna." I countered.

They smiled at the solution and went to sleep. I always waited up until everyone else was asleep before I went to sleep. It was a trust issue thing. After almost an hour they were finally asleep and I let myself drift into darkness.

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